2022 04 28 1003
루비시에 올라옴
Coming up to Ruby City
서치하는데 사진 보고싶다고 하길래 냅다 올려써
I was searching, but you said you wanted to see the picture, so I posted it.
저때 방송에는 안 나왔지만
It didn't come out on the show,
오빛 보여주려고 헤어쌤이 앞머리 하트 만들어주셨어
My hair stylist made a heart with my bangs to show ORBIT.
사진 찍으라구
Take a picture.
그러고 머리 다시하고 가써
And I did my hair again and left.
🌟근데 고앵이 다행이다 이러길래 왜? 이랬는데 너 같은 애가 있어서 본인은 큐트 머리 안 해서 좋대
🌟 But I'm glad that it's a cat.k. I was like, "What's wrong?" And he said he likes it because he doesn't have cute hair.
고앵이 알고보면 제일 귀엽다니께
If you know the cat, it's the cutest.
공트 본 사람)???
Have you seen the official Twitter?
당연히 봣지 자꾸 노출 있는 옷 입을 거야?????? 보여줘도 나만 보여줘야지;;;;; 당황작렬 언니 두고 다른 여자 꼬시고 다녀 너????
Of course I've seen it, but you're going to keep wearing revealing clothes??????????????????????????????????????????????????;; Are you flirting with another girl without you?
Be jealous.
그 브이하는 사진.약간 흔들려서 아쉬워😢
The V photo.It's a shame that it's a little shaky. 😢
It's sentimental.
샐리언니야가 찍어줘따
Sally unni, please film it.Open it.
내가 하면 그냥 고기 2인분 더주세요 포즈
미쳤다ㅠㅠㅠ너무 웃겨ㅠㅠ
If I do it, just give me 2 more servings of meat. Pose.
It's crazy. It's
내가 하면 그냥 손목에 채온계 갖다대는 포즈
When I do it, I just put the thermometer on my wrist.
You are out of your mind.[Crying]
나 체온 측정하면 진심 33도 나와 냉동새우 아니냐고
If I take a temperature test, my true temperature comes out to 33 degrees. Isn't it frozen
왜 그럴까
Why is that?
Full body ^^
역에 도착했는데 아빠가 혼자 있길래 왜 혼자양? 했는데 엄마랑 까망이 같이 안 왔다해서 시무룩하게 터덜 터덜 걷는데 누가 쪼로록 따라오길래 봤더니 까망이가 달려오지뭐야? 그래서 와 뭐야 했는데 엄마랑 아빠랑 까망이가 서프라이즈 한거였어 우리 엄마 서프라이즈 너무 좋아해
When I arrived at the station, my dad was alone, so I asked why he was alone, but he didn't come with my mom, so I was walking around sullenly, and someone followed me, so I looked and I saw Blackie running. So I was like, "Wow, what is this?" My mom, dad, and Blackie surprised me. My mom really likes surprises.
까망이 너무 귀여워
Black is so cute.
오늘 좋은 하루 보내기!
Have a good day today!
오늘의 럭키 컬러는 핑크 이유는 내가 오늘 핑크 자켓을 입었거든~~
Today's lucky color is pink because I wore a pink jacket today.
대구 너무 추워
Daegu is so cold.
맞아... 대구 13도야 지금... 여진이가 오니까 추워져써..
내말이 나 지금 놀러가는데
Right... It's 13 degrees in Daegu right now... Since Yeojin came, it got cold.
That's what I'm saying. I'm on my way to play.
It's cold