2022 04 26 962
근데 그거 쥬레곤인데…
But that's Juregon...
불쌍한 내 포켓몬
My poor Pokemon.
까망이 털 내일 보낸다 드디어
I'm finally sending you black fur tomorrow.
편지도 쓰고
I wrote a letter.
잘 했으니까
Since you did a good job.
2주만 기다리면 온다 목걸이
The necklace will come in two weeks.
네 머리털로는 뭐 못만드나;;
You can't make anything with your hair.
Of course.
다들 자나?
Is everyone sleeping?
난 이제 씻을거야
I'm going to wash up now.
Feel refreshed.
귀찮아서 물 맞으면서 서있었어 계속
I was so lazy that I was standing in the water.
다들 굿모닝
Good morning, everyone.
여진이 땡초김밥 맵다면서 많이 먹네ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래서 계란찜도 시킨거야?ㅋㅋ 사이다는 홍초에 타먹게?
Yeojin said that the pepper kimbap is spicy, but she eats a lot. LOL
Is that why you ordered steamed eggs?You're going to mix cider with red vinegar?
Kimbap with red pepper paste
모퉁이가 진짜 맛돌이야
The corner is a real Matdol.
여징이 그럼 오토김밥은 우때!
난 모퉁이
Yeojing, then when you eat auto kimbap, it's when you cry!
I'm at the corner.
I'm full.
계란찜도 맛있다
Steamed eggs are good, too.
다들 조심히 들어가
Everyone, get home safely.
침대에 조심히 들어가
Get back to bed safely.
오늘 프리뷰 예쁘다
Today's preview is pretty.
맘에 들어
I like it.
시무룩한 표정 뭐야 임여진
What's with that sullen expression? Im Yeojin.
너 강아지 귀업다구 오구구 하다가 그런거야
아.. 강아지에는 또 제가 한없이 약해지죠
I was like, "You're a dog's cat".
Ah... I become infinitely weak when it comes to dogs.
마자마자 여진이 으르렁 하는거 보고싶다 진짜!!!
나 안 물어..
I want to see Yeojin growl as soon as I get there. Really!!
I don't bite...
근데 프리뷰가 좋은게 아니라 네가 예뻐서 좋은거 나온거야
But it's not that the preview is good. It's because you're pretty.
오늘 내 얼굴이다
It's my face today.
사실 오늘 일어나서
In fact, I woke up this morning.
얼굴 망했다 했는데
I thought my face was ruined.
진아 나 근데 진짜 궁금한거 있는데... 내 프사때 있자나... 진솔이누나 팔 왜 앙! 한거야...?
그냥 이가 간지럽길래
Jin, I have a question. During my profile picture... Why did you bite JinSoul's arm?
My teeth were itchy.
가끔 그러지 않아?
Don't you do that sometimes?
간지럽지 않아?
Isn't it itchy?
여진이 애기때라 이갈이 했나보죠
지금도 하는데 물려보실?
Yeojin was a baby, so I guess she changed her teeth.
I'm still doing it. Will you get bitten?
Be prepared.
I miss you.
I want to see it.
I'm hungry.
집가서 뭐 목지
When I go home... Mokji...
I'm on my way home.
까망이 보러갈거야💖
I'm going to see you black. 💖
I'm hungry 😂
Late night snack menu.
추천 받아요
I'll take recommendations.
떡볶이 나 떡볶이 먹고싶어 오늘 한끼 먹었는데 피곤했는지 체한거 같아서 강제로 굶는중...
웅니 꼭 꼭 씹어먹어야징
Tteokbokki. I want to eat tteokbokki. I ate one meal today, but I'm forced to starve because I think I'm tired.
I'm going to chew Woong's food.
난 기차 안이야
I'm in the train.
도착하면 아빠 와있어서 괜찮앙
I'll be here when I get there. It's okay.
까망이 보고싶다
I miss you.
Oh, my baby.