2022 04 18 858
I'm sleepy.
오.. 희귀포켓몬 임여진 등장
나 무슨 포켓몬이야?
Oh... Rare Pokemon Lim Yeo-jin appears.
What Pokemon am I?
희귀포켓몬 - 임여진 주로 새벽에 등장하며 매우 귀엽다
요즘 많이 못 들어와ㅠㅠ
Rare Pokémon - Im Yeojin
It usually appears at dawn and is very cute.
I can't come in a lot these days.
ㅇㄴ ㄴㅆ ㅈㅁ ㅈㄷ
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
정답!! 오늘 날씨 정말 좋다!
Answer! Today's weather is really nice!
ㅁㅇ ㅇㄴ ㄴㅆ ㅈㅉ ㅈㄷ
맞아 오늘 날씨 진짜 좋다
M, o, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n.
Right, the weather is so nice today.
ㅅㅅㅇㅅ ㄴㄱ ㅈㅇ ㅈㅇ
S, S, S, N, G, J, J.
ㄴㅆ ㅈㅉ ㅈㄷ ㅇㅈㅇ ㅂㄱㅅㅇ
날씨 진짜 좋다 임여진 보고싶어
Ns, js, js, ds, js, gs, gs.
The weather is so nice. I miss you, Im Yeojin.
세상에서 누가 제일 좋아
Who do you like the most in the world?
ㅇㅈㅇ 가 왜 임여진이 돼...ㅠㅠ 여진이 자나💖
🙋🏻♂️거참 🔥죄송하게🔥 됐습니다💤💤 🎊사죄의 🔈말씀🔈 드립니다🌟🎉🎉.
Why does it become Lim Yeojin?Is Yeojin sleeping? 💖
🙋🏻♂️ Oh my 🔥 I'm sorry 🔥 It's done.💤💤 🎊 Apologize 🔈 Say 🔈 I give you🌟🎉🎉.
뭐라는지 다들 모르게써
I don't know what you're saying.
여진아!!!! 궁금한데, 2018년떼 블베는 한복을 입은 여진의 사진을 티저처럼 올렸는데, 이유가 뭐였나요?? 비하인드 알려주세요,,,
4년이 지났는데 블베는 그런 사진을 다시 올리지 않았어,, 왜,, 4년 동안 궁금했어요,,,
저도 궁금하네요
Yeojin!!!! I'm curious, 2018 Tablebe posted a picture of Yeojin in hanbok like a teaser, what was the reason? Tell me the behind story...
After 4 years, Blackbe did not repost such a picture, why, I have been curious for 4 years.
I'm curious, too.
It's grapefruit.
다들 뭐해
What are you all doing?
나는 뭐 보고있어 재밌어
I'm watching something. It's fun.
엥 ¯ࡇ¯ 그러고 걍 잠들었네
I just fell asleep.
감동적이다 하면서 그냥 하나둘셋 켁
I'm so touched. 1, 2, 3, keke.
무슨 애니였어??
What kind of anime was it?
Are you curious?
코타로는 1인가구
KOTARO is a single-person household.
슬퍼 이거
This is sad.
무슨 장르인데?
내 기준 새드
What genre is it?
My standard sad.
코타로 너무 귀여운데ㅠ 너무 안쓰러워ㅜㅠ
KOTARO is so cute. I feel so bad for him.
슬픈건 잘 안보게 되던데 ㅠㅠ 후유증이 길게 가서
나도 그런데 나 원래 이런 애니 안 좋아하는데 이거 꼭 봐ㅠ
I don't really watch sad things.
The aftereffects are long.
Me too, but I don't normally like animations like this, but I definitely watch this.
여진이가 추천해줬으니까 꼭꼭 볼게! 루비한 후기까지 약소옥👍
Yeojin recommended it, so I'll make sure to watch it! Even the ruby reviews are weak. 👍
I like it.
근데 이 애기가 4살이야ㅠ
But this baby is 4 years old.
혼자 살아 4살 애기가
A 4-year-old baby lives alone.
It's so touching.
한편만 봐야지 했는데 계속 봤어
I was going to watch one side, but I kept watching.
My heart hurts.
여진이 프사에도 나비가 있네 나비가 좋은 이유가 모야? 언제부터 좋아했어? 진짜 그냥 고앵이 때문이야?
There's a butterfly in Yeojin's profile picture.
Why do you like butterflies? Since when did you like it?
Is it really just because of the cat?
Since a long time ago...
I'm touched.
아침부터 좋네
It's nice from the morning.
근데 다시 자고싶어
But I want to go back to sleep.
난 땡초김밥 먹었어
I had chancho kimbap.
근데 반줄 먹고 차에 두고 내려서
But I ate half of it and left it in the car.
밥 없어졌어
The rice is gone.
아 아니다 들고 회사에 두고 왔다
No, I left it at the company.
오늘 어디가~¿ (슬쩍🦻🦻
Where are you going today~¿ (Slightly 🦻🦻)
그리고 난 집이야 지금
And I'm home right now.
저녁에 가나봐~
이미 갔다 왔다구ㅜㅜㅠㅠㅜ
I guess we're going in the evening.
I've already been there.(Crying)
갔다왔는데 또 가...?
I've been there, but you're going again...?
I won't go. 😗
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ다들...지쨔 없는 사실도 만들어내겠어 이젠~
역시 와전베리크리에이티브
(Laughs)T(Laughs) (Laughs)Everyone...I'm going to make up facts that aren't there anymore.
Wow, very creative.
잠만 이건 회사가 와전 시킨게 아닌데
Wait, the company didn't make me do this.
그럼 와전달의소녀
Then, "Wow, Jeon-dal Girl.
그래서 출근할때 땡초김밥을 반줄먹고 챙겨서 회사갔는데 회사에 두고 지금은 퇴근해서 집에서 흠이 함이랑 있다는 얘기지?
응 맞아
So I ate half a loaf of chancho kimbap on my way to work and went to work, but I left it at work and now I'm home with a flaw, right?
Yes, right.