2022 04 14 804

한식을 좋아해💖
I like Korean food. 💖

루비 누워있어
Ruby, lie down.

Good morning.


너무 일찍 일어났아
I woke up too early.

어제 일찍잔거아니야????

Didn't you sleep early last night?


Rubish 💖

루뷔!!!! 루뷔 보고 싶어!!!!

직캠보세여~~저는 움직이고 있습니다~
Ruby! I miss Ruby!

Look at the close-up camera! I'm moving!

직캠에서 움직이고 있습니다
I'm moving in the close-up camera.

직캠 그거 한 사람이 여러번 보면 조회수가 안 오른데!!! 루비 알고있었어? 난 진짜 개많이 봤는데 왜 안 오르지했더니 그런거였어 헐 어이없어..

엥 ¯ࡇ¯ 그래?
If the person who did the fancam watches it several times, the view count doesn't go up! Did you know Ruby? I really saw a lot of dogs, but I wondered why it didn't go up. That's ridiculous.


어젯밤 꿈에서 루비나왔다~ 행복해🥰

잘 찾아갔네 내가 옆집인지 헷갈렸는데
Ruby came out in my dream last night. I'm happy 🥰

You found it well. I was confused if I was next door.

다들 뭐해 근데
What are you all doing?

우동 먹고 있었어~

우동 맛있겠다
I was eating udon.

Udon sounds good.

진아~ 혹시 우동에 있는 새우튀김도 안먹어?? 갑자기 생각나네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

그건 먹어
Jinah, don't you eat fried shrimp in udon? It suddenly comes to mind. (Laughs)

I eat that.

물에 빠진 고기가 아니잖아
It's not drowning.

뭐 새우는 물에 살던애니까....

Well, shrimp live in water...


물고기도,,,,, 물에 사는 애였어,,,,

The fish lived in the water, too.

It's different.

물고기는 물에 빠진 고기라서가 아니라 비려서 그런건가,,?

Is it because the fish is fishy, not because it is drowning?

Yes, yes.

그러면 인정할께,,,, 물고기가 잘못했네,,, 새우처럼 안 비리지 그랫어,,, 그럼 루비가 좋아했을텐데

맞아 물고기야
Then I'll admit it, the fish is at fault, why didn't it be fishy like shrimp, then Ruby would have liked it.

Right, it's a fish.

새우는 바다의 바퀴벌레 라던데

보리 컷
Shrimp is a cockroach in the sea.

Barley cut.

누나는 혹시 라멘에 들어있는 차슈도 안먹어? 물에 빠지긴 했는데

안 먹어
You don't even eat char siu in ramen? I fell into the water.

I am not eating.

아니... 그 물고기 입장에서는 여진이가 안 좋아하는게 이득인거 아닐까?

No... From the perspective of the fish, isn't it a benefit that YeoJin doesn't like it?

isn't it

최근 인간이 먹던 버섯종에서 독성분이 발견되는 경우가 생기고 있다는데 버섯도 진화한다 살아남으려고

…버섯도 힘들겠지…
Recently, toxic substances have been found in the mushroom species that humans eat, and mushrooms have evolved to survive.

…mushrooms must be hard too…

새우 바퀴벌레 맞아 바퀴벌레가 바다에서 새우로 변한거래

알아 아는데 새우가 얼마나 속상하겠어 새우도 생각이 있을텐데… 불쌍한 새우
Shrimp cockroaches. Right, cockroaches turned into shrimp in the ocean.

I know, I know, but how sad would shrimp be? I'm sure shrimp is thinking... Poor shrimp.

새우가 바퀴벌레가 같다고 주장하는 건 인간이랑 해마가 같다고 주장하는하는 거랑 비슷할 정도로 새우랑 바퀴벌레는 다른 생물이래 맘넣고 머거

뭐가 사실이야
Shrimp and cockroaches are different creatures to the point where shrimp claim that cockroaches are the same as humans claim that they are the same as hippocampus.

What's the truth?

우리 그냥 아무것도 먹지말자 다 불쌍하니까ㅠ

그래 먹지마 다 다이어트해 그냥
Let's just not eat anything. Because I feel sorry for everyone.

Yeah, don't eat it. Just diet everyone.

제 잘못입니다 새우한테 제가 사과할게요 다들 그만

보리쒸가 그렇다고 하네여
It's my fault. I'll apologize to the shrimp. Stop.

That's what Bori said.

엥? 그거 완전 잘못된 얘긴데... 그냥 구어먹으면 맛이 비슷한거에서 생긴 거짓말이야

다들 뭐야
Huh? That's totally wrong. It's a lie that comes from something that tastes similar when it's grilled.

What are you all doing?

새우랑 바퀴벌레는 종 분류가 아예 달라! 먼 친척도 아닐정도로 관계없는 사이야

Shrimps and cockroaches have completely different species! It's not a distant relative. It's so irrelevant.


https://m.insight.co.kr/news/128895 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아까 인간 해마 주장한 사람인데 기사 링크 첨부합니다... 새우 맛있게 먹자

뭐야 그래서 사실이 뭔데
https://m.insight.co.kr/news/128895 (Laughs) I am the person who claimed the human hippocampus earlier, and I am attaching the link to the article... Let's enjoy the shrimp.

So, what's the truth?

그래 그냥 내가 새우를 안 먹을게
Okay, I won't eat shrimp.

생물 전공인데 같은 절지동물문이지만 강부터 아예 차이가 나서 완전 다른 종!!

그래 끝이다 여기서
I majored in biology. It's the same arthropod, There's a huge difference from the river. A completely different species!

Yes, that's it's over.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ미안해,,, 내가 새우튀김 얘기를 하지 말았어야했눈데,, 날 강퇴해,,

근데 나 이런 토론 좋아해 재밌다
(Laughs) (Laughs)I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned fried shrimp, kick me out.

But I like this kind of debate. It's fun.

다른 토론 주제 구해요
I'm looking for another topic for discussion.

토론 초등학생때 이후로 처음해봐서 재밌어 신나
It's my first debate since elementary school, so it's fun and exciting.

머리 푼거 좋아해 묶은 거 좋아해

I like to untie my hair. I like to tie my hair.

Solving it.

엉덩이는 한개일까 두개일까???

입돌아가신분이 이야기 해주셨은데 다들 어떻게 생각하세요
Is there one butt or two buttocks?

A person whose mouth died said this. What do you all think?

토론주제: 풀도 고통을 느낄까?

당연한거 아니야? 얘네도 생각이 있을텐데 비난대나무랑 칭찬 대나무라는게 있잖아
Discussion Topic: Will grass also feel pain?

Isn't that obvious? I'm sure they're thinking about it. There's a bamboo tree and compliment bamboo.

난 한개라 생각해 왜냐 붙어있잖아
I think it's one. Because it's stuck together.

근데 그 비난양파 칭찬양파 키우기 침착맨님이 하셨는데 비난양파가 더 잘크던데?

당연하지 우리도 엄마한테 혼나면서 크잖아
But the manager did it, but the criticism onion was bigger than the criticism onion was bigger.

Of course. We grow up when our mom scolds us.

여징이는 이쁜말만 들어서 작... 읍읍

민초민 강퇴
Yeo Jing only listens to pretty words, so... Up, up.

Mincho Min is kicked out.

앞으로 내 기준 못된 말 하는 사람 공개한다 이름까지^^ 호호호호 내마음이니까
From now on, I'll reveal the person who says mean things by my standards. Even his name. ^
^ Because it's my heart.

우리도 같이 비난하면 되나

안돼 나만 할 수 있어
Can we blame them together?

No, I'm the only one who can do it.

그거 걔들한테는 포상일껄?

조크조크 안 좋은 말 뭔지 알지? 걍 악플 말고 웃기려고 조크 하는 친구들
That would be a reward for them.

Joke, joke. You know what I mean, right? Friends who joke to be funny, not mean comments.

그러면 더 눈에 띄고싶어서 할수도있을거 같은데.. 짓궂은 빛쟁이들은..

Then I might do it because I want to stand out more. The mischievous luminaries...


그래서 엉덩이는 결론이 뭐야 궁금한데

뭔데 그래서
So, I'm curious about the conclusion.

So, what is it?

그냥 알아서들 생각하자
Let's just think about it.

난 1개라고 생각해^^
I think it's one. ^

좀 건설적인 토론을 하자. 여진이는 어째서 그렇게 이쁜 걸까 이런거

Let's have a constructive discussion. "Why is Yeojin so pretty?" Things like this.

That's nice.

여진이가 이쁜거는 자연의 섭리라서 명확한 근거를 들어서 설명하기 어렵기 때문에 토론은 어려울 뿐더러 증명도 어렵고 당연하게 받아들이면 되는데,,,

진지해서 좋다
It is difficult to discuss, difficult to prove, and take it for granted because Yeojin is beautiful because it is nature's providence.

It's nice to be serious.