2022 04 03 643

네 루비입니다~
Yes, this is Ruby.

루비야 포켓몬스터 루비 버전 해봤니?

Ruby, have you tried the Pocket Monster Ruby version?


아니 곰주 할거야 루비 할거야
No, I'm going to be Gomju or Ruby.

둘중에 하나만 불러
Just sing one of the two.

I'm confused.

여진이가 하고 싶어서 루비로 했던거야? 아니면 누가 지어준거야?

지어주셨어 선생님께서
Yeojin did it because she wanted to do it? Or who gave it to you?

The teacher named it for me.

루비라고 부르시길..
You should call me Ruby.

아아 ruby 이였구나 오키오키 막 L로 시작하는걸로 착각했네 ㅋㅋ

근데 나는 Luby 였어
Oh, it was ruby. Okay, okay. I mistook it for starting with L.

But I was Luby.

선생님도 보석같이 예쁜 아이라는 걸 알고 루비라고 지어주셨나보다

맞아 저게 이유야
I guess the teacher knew that I was pretty like a jewel and named me Ruby.

That's right. That's why.

뤄비내 뤄비

Looby, Looby. Looby!


임루비에여?! ㅎㅎ

네 맞아요
Are you Im Ruby?!

Yes, that's right.

Ruby ruby.

고앵이랑 맛탕 먹는뎅
I'm eating mattang with a cat.


나도 고앵이가 만든 맛탕 먹구싶다

? 내가 만들지 우리 고앵 다치면 안된다구
I want to eat mattang made by a cat, too.

? I'll make it. I hope you don't get hurt.District

1분 뒤
One minute later.

Go Angsi 🦋🦋

Rubish ❤️

내일 11시11분에는 루비시 외치기
Let's shout out "Rubishi" at 11:11 tomorrow.

루비 밥 먹는다
Ruby is eating.

루비 머먹엉

맛탕 수박 순두부찌개 만두 시리얼
Ruby, eat well.

Mattang, watermelon, soft tofu stew, dumpling cereal.


루비 루비 루비
Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby

This is Ruby.

저는 루비요
I like Ruby.

루비 지금 고앵이랑 같이 이써
Ruby is with a cat right now.

나 언제 자지?
When am I going to sleep?

루비 기상
Ruby weather

루비 까망이랑 같이 출근중
I'm on my way to work with Ruby Camang.

루비 밥 먹는중
Ruby is eating.

나 지금 누구랑 밥 먹게
Who am I going to eat with?

파뉘랑 먹는중
Eating with Panu.


나 오늘 띠부씰 부자야
I'm so rich today.

She sent it to me.

윙크 피카츄
Wink Pikachu.


have a good day❤️
have a good day❤️


다들 밥 뭐 먹어?
What are you eating?

난 지금 마라탕 먹는중
I'm eating malatang right now.


마라탕 드세요
Eat malatang.

루비 매운거 좋아하지만 잘 못 먹어
Ruby likes spicy food, but she can't eat it.

루비 집 간다~
I'm going to Ruby's house.

루비 졸리다
Ruby is sleepy.

Rubish ❤️


❤️🐻It's Luby time🐻❤️
❤🐻Rubishi🐻❤ ❤️🐻It's Luby time🐻❤️

Rubish 💖

So cute.