2022 03 29 589

자 이 사진들은 고앵 하수영 언니가 찍어줬어요
These pictures were taken by Ha Soo Young.

Jindol, you too.

고앵이랑 수영언니랑 진솔언니 사진 올라오면 그 작가 나다
If a picture of a cat, Sooyoung, and JinSoul comes up, I'm the writer.

부셔진 핸드폰이 수영언니인가여???

Is the broken cell phone Sooyoung?


무대를 부수랬지 핸드폰을 부수라고는 안햿눈데...

핸드폰만 부서진게 아니라 에어팟 닌텐도 스위치 각종 안 부서진게 없다고..
I told you to break the stage. I didn't mean to break the phone. I don't...

It's not just the phone that's broken, but there's nothing that's not broken.

어쩌다 깨졌어...

How did it break?

That's true.

내 핸드폰 빠직
My phone is so sharp.

마이너스의 손 임여진

a minus hand.

That's what I'm saying

수리비 엄청 깨지겠네..... .ㅠㅠ

The repair costs are going to be ruined...

Oh, my.

아직 수리안했지?

숨쉬는 것도 귀찮은데 또 거기까지 언제 가…
You haven't fixed it yet, have you?

I'm tired of breathing, but when will I get there again...

핸드폰 바꿀 생각은 아직 없는거야??

아이러브 핑크
You don't want to change your phone yet?

I love pink.

누나 금손 아니었네 다음부터 조심해야겠다

누가 나보도 금손이래 나 똥손이야ㅠ
You weren't golden hands. I should be careful next time.

Someone said I'm also golden hands. I'm clumsy.

일부러 안 떨구려고 작은 걸로 샀는데 의미 없네 이럴거면 그냥 큰거 살걸;;;
I bought a small one on purpose not to drop it, but it's meaningless. If you're going to do this, I should've just bought a big one;;;;

근데 쓸만해 막 그렇게 많이 깨지지 않았어
But it's usable. It's not broken that much.


손이 넘나리 작아서 근가

My hands are so small that I'm not used to it.

I think so.

큰거? 아이패드?ㅎ

그거는 전화할때 너무 크지 않을까?? ㅎㅎ
The big one? iPad?Hah!

Wouldn't it be too big to call? Haha

손 베이면 어뜨케,,,

걍 살아야지~ 귀찮아
What if I cut my hand?

I'm just going to live. I'm lazy.

여징이 강화유리 액정 필름은 한고얌???

웅 근데 필름도 같이 깨졌어^_^
The tempered glass LCD film in Yeojing is Han Go-Yam?

Yeah, but the film broke too. ^_^

손크기 15였나 14.5였나,,, 가물가물하네

Was my hand size 15 or 14.5? I can't remember.


여진이 물건담당 하고 싶다 핸드폰 달라하면 핸드폰 갖다주고 닌텐도 달라하면 닌텐도 갖다주고 깨끗하게 닦아놓고 수리 맡겨놓고

아니야 내 일은 내 스스로!
I want to be in charge of Yeojin's stuff. If you ask for a phone, I give you a phone. If you ask for a Nintendo, I give you a Nintendo I'll clean it up and leave it to repair.

No, my job is to myself!

여진이 손이 커 애기손이커?ㅎ

에이~ 이건 나지~~
Yeojin's hands are big or baby's hands are big?Hah!

This is me.

스스로 다 깨먹으셔서 하는 말이예요🙃

머쓱 머쓱 해헷
I'm saying this because you've broken everything yourself.🙃

Awkward. Awkward.

여진아 올해 14프로 나오면 14프로 맥스로 바꾸자?

올해에 나오나? 근데 맥스는 좀… 부담시러 너무 커><
Yeojin, if you get 14% this year, let's change it to 14% max?

Is it coming out this year? But Max is a little... Too big to burden ><

맥스는 여진이 얼굴만할 것 같은데

에이 그정도로 저 안 작을걸요?
I think Max will be the size of YeoJin's face.

I don't think I'm that small.

15가 더 좋을거야 15로 바꾸자~

그럼 기다렸다 20을 사겠다
15 would be better. Let's change it to 15.

Then I'll wait and buy 20.

곰주, 진솔님이 선물받은 몬치치 큰 인형 봣어요? 거의 크기가 곰주만 하던데..😂

Gomju, have you seen the big Monchichi doll that Jinsol got as a gift? It's almost the size of a bear.😂

I'm scared...

조금 잠오내
Sleep a little bit.

All right.

Hah, hah, hah.

여징이 밥은 먹었어???

Did you eat?

Nope, no.

