2022 03 18 468

흠이가 넘어지면 미아 이거지

If a scratch falls, Mia, this is it.

kick out

갑자기 생각난건데 요새 아이돌들 10센치 동물인형 몇몇 나오자나 여진이는 무슨동물이었음 좋겠어? 특징적으로 뭐있음 좋겠고?

핑크곰에 내 얼굴에 점?

핑크곰 귀엽겠다
It just came to my mind. Idols these days come out with 10cm animal dolls. What animal do you want Yeojin to be? What would you like to see?

Pink bear and a mole on my face?

Pink bear must be cute.

왜 자꾸 여진이의 토끼같은 자식을 넘어뜨리는거야...

Why do you keep knocking Yeojin's rabbit over?

My babies.

흠이가 흥미로우면 흠터레스팅

If you're interested in hmmm, hmmm


누나는 핑크가 좋은 이유 있어? 나는 어릴때부터 빨간색 검은색을 좋아했었거든 그 두 색의 조화가 너무 이뻤다랄까

핑크는 다른 색을 방해하지 않고 잘 섞이잖아 쨍한 색이 아니라서 좋아
Is there a reason why you like pink? I liked red and black since I was young. The combination of the two colors was so pretty.

Pink doesn't interfere with other colors and mixes well. I like it because it's not bright.

흠이가 사는 곳은 흠집이야?

Is it a scratch where he lives?


흠이 함이가 오지 않으면 함흠차사..?

If Hami doesn't come, Hamhmchasa...?

Ha ha.

빛쟁이들 그만해주세요...보기 거북합니다...

???이건 아니지
Shining guys, please stop.It's awkward to see...

This isn't right.

흠이 화나면 흠칫뿡야

If you're angry, you're upset.

kick out

흠이가 흠이된 이유는 애기 첨 왔을때 좀 비실했거든 그래서 흠( •︠ˍ•︡ ) 언제 건강해지지 이렇게 흠이가 되버렸어
The reason why it was a flaw is because it was a little stale when the baby first came, so it became a flaw like this when it became healthy.

흠이 지금은 건강해?

건강하다 못해 날라다녀
Hmm. Are you healthy now?

fly in bad healthgirl

내 자식이야 내 밥은 안 먹어도 애기들 밥은 줘
He's my son. Even if he doesn't eat, he's my babies. Give me food.

여진이는 내 자식이니 임여진도 밥먹읍시다

엄마 저 밥주세여 엄마ㅜㅜㅜ엄마ㅜㅜㅠ
Yeojin is my child, so let's eat.

Mom, please give me food. Mom. Mom.

🐻 : (일년치 밥 와르르) 🦋 : (한달치 밥 와르르)

한달치 아니야 삼개월치야
🐻: (A year's worth of rice falls down) 🦋 : (A month's worth of rice falls down)

It's not a month's worth. It's three months' worth.

울 여징이 먹고 싶은거 있오? 말만해~~

할머니집 된장찌개
Is there anything you want to eat? Just say it!

Doenjang-jjigae at my grandmother's house.

흠이 함이 밥 연두색인데 럭키북스|~~
The flaw is Bob's light green, but Lucky Books.

(수정) 🐻 : (삼년치 밥 와르르)

🦋 : (한달치 밥 와르르)

(수정) 🐻 : (일년치 밥 와르르)

🦋 : (세달치 밥 와르르)

(Amendment) 🐻: (Three years' worth of rice falling down)

🦋 : (A month's worth of rice falls down)

(Amendment) 🐻: (A year's worth of rice falls down)

🦋 : (Three months' worth of rice is falling down)

삽자기 뜬금없는데 어머니가 정용화 좋아하시면 아버지가 질투 안하셨어?

응 그러려니 내가 좋아한다고 했더니 질투했어
Isn't your father jealous if your mother likes Jung Yong Hwa?

Yes, so I said I liked it, and I was jealous.

거북이 물 자주 갈아줘야 하지 않아????

Don't you have to change the water often for the turtle?

That's right.

🐻 : (일년치 밥 와르르) 🦋 : (세달치 밥 와르르) 🐢🐢 : (억장 와르르)

🐻: (A year's worth of rice falls down) 🦋 : (Three months' worth of rice is falling down) 🐢🐢: (Crying hard)

(Laughs) (Laughs)[Crying]

흠이랑 이름 똑같은 HMM 주식 오를지 흠이한테 물어봐주세요 😏

Please ask HMM if HMM shares with the same name as HMM will go up. 😏

Oh dear

정용화 반말송 진짜 좋아했는데

우리 서로 반말하는 사이가 되기를
I really liked JUNG YONG HWA's informal song.

I hope we can talk informally to each other.

아버지가 김종국 좋아하는건 어머니가 질투 안하셨어?

Isn't your mother jealous that your father likes Kim Jong Kook?


낚시하다가 거북이 잡아서 키웠는뎁 ㅋㅋ

I caught a turtle while fishing and raised it.


흠이 함이 그럼 물대포도 쏠 수 있나....????

그럼 어디서든 샤워하기 좋겠다
Well, then can you shoot a water cannon?

Then it'd be nice to take a shower anywhere.

누나는 폴라로이드 vs 필름카메라 어느게 더 좋아

요즘은 폴라로이드 근데 고를 수 없어
Which do you like better, Polaroid or film camera?

These days, I can't choose polaroids.

다들 귀여운 우리 까망이도 잊지말아주세요❤️

Please don't forget our cute Kkamang.❤️

That's right.

2002년 11월11일 생 임여진도 잊지말아주세요

Don't forget Yeojin, who was born on November 11, 2002.

That's right.

문득 떠오른 건데 생일선물로 빼빼로 많이 받음??

넵 작년 빼빼로가 지금까지 남아있어요
It just came to my mind. Did you get a lot of Pepero as a birthday present?

Yes, I still have Pepero from last year.

하지만 저는 빼빼로를 좋아한답니다 허니버터아모든 빼빼로가 최애입니다 다들 드셔보세요
But I like Pepero. Honey Butter. All Pepero are my favorite. Try it, everyone.

생일날 일반적인 선물보다 빼빼로 받은게 더 많겠다.....

I guess I got more Pepero than a normal present on my birthday.

That's right.

누나 크런키 빼빼로가 진짜 힙합이고 맛있어 진짜 내 빼이보릿이야

Crunky Pepero is really hip-hop and delicious. It's really my favorite.

It's delicious.

중학교 1학년때 지금까지도 연락하고 지내는 여자 친구들인데 종이 박스로 큰 빼빼로를 만들어서 거기 안에다 간식들 가득 채워서 선물해줬어
When I was in the first grade of middle school, I still keep in touch with them. They made a big Pepero with a paper box and filled it with snacks and gave it to me as a gift.

누나 생일날 핑크색 빼빼로 코스튬 입고 서울 돌아다니면 되는거야?

Can I walk around Seoul wearing a pink Pepero costume on my sister's birthday?

I'm looking forward to it.

생일날 이브이코스튬 입고 돌아다니면 쓰다듬어 줄거야?

Will you pat me if I walk around in my birthday costume?

Yes 👍👍

안하시면 임여진엎고 블록베리동네 100바퀴 도시면 됩니다

회사 밖으로 안 나가야지
If you don't, you can turn over Im Yeo-jin and run around Blockberry 100 times.

I won't leave the company.

나는 파치리스
I'm Pachiris.

여진아 빼빼로 광고 들어오면 할꺼야???

당연하지 제발
Yeojin, are you going to do a Pepero commercial when you get it?

Of course. Please.

나 대구 상남자 ㅡ 예로부터 남아일언중천금이라 하였거늘 11월 11일 스케쥴 빼고 서울가서 코스튬 입고 다닙니다 많관부

I'm a manly man in Daegu - I've been called a boy, a man, a man, and a man, since long ago, I go to Seoul without a schedule on November 11th and wear a costume. A lot of interest.

That's what they say.

갑자기 이런 말 해서 많이 미안해요 오빛들 근데 여기는 우리가 소통하는 공간이고 좋은 말만 하는 공간인데 저를 싫어한다고해서 안 좋은 말을 하는건 조금 속상하네요 안 좋은 말을 저한테 쏟아내고 마음이 편해지신다면 그렇게 하세요 언제든지 들어줄 수 있어요 근데 여기서는 하지말아 주세요! 세상 사람들한테 모두 예쁨을 받을 수는 없겠지만 탈퇴라는 무거운 말은 삼가해주셨으면 해요ㅠ 마음에 들지 않더라도 일단 저도 멤버니까 조금은 따뜻한 마음으로 봐주셨으면 좋겠어요! 저도 더 많이 노력하겠습니다 제 행동으로 기분이 나쁘셨으면 정말 죄송해요! 더 주의 하겠습니다!
I'm really sorry to say this all of a sudden. ORBIT, this is a space where we communicate and only say good things, but it's a bit upsetting to say bad things just because you don't like me. If you feel comfortable after saying bad things to me, do it. I can listen to it anytime. But don't do it here! I won't be able to be loved by everyone in the world, but I hope you refrain from saying the heavy word of withdrawal. Even if you don't like it, I'm a member, so I hope you watch it with a warm heart! I'll work harder. I'm so sorry if you were offended by my actions! I'll be more careful!

앞으로 제가 하는 말들에도 조금 더 신경쓰겠습니디!
I will pay more attention to what I say in the future!

우리 이 방에서는 예쁜 말만 해요! 저도 더 예쁘게 말할게요!
We only say pretty things in this room! I'll say it prettier, too!

이런 말 듣는 것도 오히려 좋아요 좋든 싫든 저를 봐주시는거잖아요 감사한걸요!!
It's good to hear things like this. Whether you like it or not, you're looking at me. Thank you so much!

오늘 아침에 친구 이야기한게 익명 어쩌고에 올라갔다고 그러더라구 난 몰랐지만 그친구도 신경 안 쓸텐데ㅠ 오빛들이 좋아하니까 많이 해버렸어ㅜㅠㅠ
I didn't know that my friend talked about it this morning was posted on Anonymous something, but he wouldn't care either. I did it a lot because ORBIT liked it.

오빛들 기분 나빴으면 정말 미안해ㅠ
ORBIT, I'm so sorry if you felt bad.

근데 그 사람 포인트 아깝다 나 말고 좋아하는 사람한테 더 보내지..
But that person's point is a waste. Send more to someone you like besides me.

근데 진짜 해명하고 싶은데 그친구 저 안 좋아했거든요? 근데 저 좋아하는 애 이야기한다고 그러시길래 이건 좀 억울해서 이야기한다ㅠㅠ 아닙니다 오해 금지ㅠ 이제 친구 이야기 안해
I really want to explain, but he didn't like me. But you said you were going to talk about someone you like, so I'm saying this because it's unfair.아닙니다금지 No misunderstanding~ I don't talk about friends anymore.

오빛 좋은 말 많이 해줘서 너무 고마워요!
ORBIT, thank you for saying a lot of good things!

오늘 하루도 힘내요!
Cheer up today!

안 좋은 말은 그만 보고싶은데 계속 말하시는 분이 있어서 당분간 안 들어오려고해요 너무 죄송해요 안 좋은 모습은 보여드리기 싫어서 그런 거니까 조금만 이해해주세요! 곧 올게요!
I don't want to see bad things, but there are people who keep saying it, so I'm not going to come in for a while. I'm so sorry. It's because I don't want to show you a bad side, so please understand! I'll be right back!