2022 03 12 411

난 사실 스티커보단 빵이 목적이긴한데
My goal is bread rather than stickers.

초코롤케이크 JMT
Chocolate roll cake JMT.

스티커는 사실 잘 모르겠어
I don't know about stickers.

난 이미
I'm already...

포켓몬하고 있어서
I'm playing Pokemon.

스티커 보다는
Rather than stickers,

난 초코롤이
I like chocolate rolls.

I want to eat.

아 그래…?
Oh really...?

빵 한번 먹기 엄청 힘드네..?
It's really hard to eat bread once.

Chocolate roll.

아 옛날에 초등학생때 쯤에는
When I was in elementary school,

진짜 많이 먹었거든요
I ate a lot.

학원 가기전에
Before going to academy,

나 진심 그것도 돼지바 복숭아 그릭 요거트맛
I'm serious about that, too. Piggy bar.

찾으려고 진심
I'm serious.

편의점 20곳 돌아다녔는데 없더라
I went to 20 convenience stores, but there were none.



그거 진짜 먹고싶었는데
I really wanted to eat that.

I didn't have it.

I am angry

서러워서 증말…
I'm so sad...


자 여러분 오늘의 행운 색은 노란색 연한 노란색입니다
Today's lucky color is yellow, light yellow.

빨리 봄이 왔으면 좋겠다
I hope spring comes soon.

Pretty color.

There are a lot.

아 일단 거북이 물 갈아주고 밥 주고 와야겠다
I should change the water and feed the turtle.

내 밥은 안 먹어도 내 새끼들 밥은 줘야지..
You don't have to feed me, but you have to feed my babies.


Oh My Goodness.

I'm tired.

잠이 안 와 ㅠ
I can't sleep.

이건 아니지 인간적으로 너무 잠이 안 온다
This is not right. I can't sleep at all.

It's a problem.


엉 골든벨은 아닌데
It's not a golden bell.

You're getting it right.

아 잠시만 알람을 일찍 맞춰놓고
Hold on. I set the alarm early.

일찍 일어나서
I got up early.

일찍 자야겠다
I should go to bed early.


패턴을 바꿔봐야지
Let's change the pattern.

참사다 대참사
It's a disaster. A disaster.

다들 굿모닝
Good morning, everyone.

좋은 아침이야❤️
Good morning ❤️

오늘 하루도 힘내고 사랑해요❤️
Cheer up and I love you.❤️

오늘은 꼭 패턴 바꾸기 성공하길..
I hope you succeed in changing the pattern today.

저 아직 안 자요👍
I'm not sleeping yet 👍