2022 12 01 3893
너무 추우웡어ㅓ어어
It's so cold.
장갑 목도리 진짜 필수!!
Gloves. Scarves are a must!
들어가서 전기장판 틀어야지
I'm going to turn on the electric pad.
"지금 머리 안말리고 나가면 얼어붙을듯..;;"
"If I don't dry my hair and go out, I'll freeze.;;"
I admit it ❄️
"삐행.! 혹시 잘때 전기장판 틀구자..? 🤔"
"Bbihaeng! Let's turn on the electric pad when we go to bed? 🤔"
자기전에만 잠깐 틀고 잘때는 끄고
I turn it on briefly before I sleep and turn it off when I sleep
"지금 영하 6도 이래 ❄️"
"It's 6 degrees below zero ❄️"
No, no, no, no, I can't.
"에어컨틀고 이불덮기 vs 전기장판 틀고 창문 좀 열기"
"Turn on the AC and cover yourself with a blanket vs turn on the electric pad and open the window."
사실 둘다 잘 안 틀고 창문만 열어유 ㅎㅎ
Actually, both of them don't turn it on and just open the window.
너무 덥거나 추울때만 잠깐 쓰고
I use it only when it's too hot or cold.
"가습기는 틀어?"
"Do you turn on the humidifier?"
옛날에 몰랐는데 이제는 필수템🌟
I didn't know it before, but now it's a must-have item🌟
"It's nature-friendly."
ㅋㄲㅋㅋㄱㅋ자연을 사랑해야쥬 그리고 현실적인 비염도 있구~
I have to love nature and I have realistic rhinitis.
올해 겨울 뭔가 좀 더 추운것같넹❄️
I think it's a little colder this winter. ❄️
오빛들 뭐해?
ORBIT, what are you doing?
잘 쉬고 있구만👍🏻💖 ㅎㅎ
You're resting well. 👍🏻💖 haha
나도 집가려고 ㅎㅎ
I'm going home, too.