2022 11 19 3747

"삐행 문제 1번힌트에 대해 어떻게 생각함?"
"What do you think of hint number 1 of the beep problem?"

오잉 무슨 문제유!?
What's the problem?

주말 잘 보내고 있나유~?
Are you having a good weekend?

Orbit quiz?

나도 알려줘~~~
Tell me, too!

To make you curious.

한번 찾아볼게유 ㅋㅋ
I'll look for it.

저 동생이랑 밥 먹으러 갈게용
I'm going to go eat with my sister.

주말 잘 보내유💖
Have a nice weekend 💖