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동생한테 내가 나누고 싶은거들이 나눌수있어서 너무 좋당 ㅎㅎ
I'm so happy that I can share what I want to share with my younger brother.

이미 왠만한거 다 먹어본것같애
I think I've already tried everything.

"행님 막 동생님이랑 대화할때 무의식적으로 한국말 나올거 상상하니까 너무 귀엽네😂"
"It's so cute to imagine Korean unconsciously when you talk to your brother. 😂"

진짜 몇번에 설명해줄때 한국어로 했었어 ㅋㅋ
I really did it in Korean when I explained it to you a few times.

동생도 은근 조금씩 자연스럽게 한국어로 말해 ㅋㅋㅋ
My younger brother speaks Korean little by little naturally.

괜찮아 그래 이런겈ㅋㅋ
It's okay. Yeah, something like this.

홍콩집도 10월에 한번 갔다왔엉 걱정마유
I went to Hong Kong once in October. Don't worry.

갑자기 휴가받았을때 바로 갔다왔었어유
I went right away when I was on vacation.

더 일찍 말했었야되는데 걱정 시키고 늦게 말해서 미안해유
I should've told you earlier, but I'm sorry for making you worry and talking late.

오래만에 가족보니까 너무나 행복한 시간이였엉💕
It was such a happy time to see my family after a long time. 💕

가서 집에 집밥 엄청 많이 먹고 왔어 ㅎㅎ
I ate a lot of homemade food at home.

오래 안 가니까 깜박했는데 역시나 집최고야❤️ㅎㅎ
I forgot because it didn't go for a long time, but as expected, the house is the best ❤️ lol

익숙하면서도 낯설해 ㅋㅋ
It's familiar but unfamiliar lol

오빛도 시간이 있으면 꼭 가족들과 시간이 많이 보내유!!💖
Orbit also spends a lot of time with his family if he has time!!💖

Orbit, what are you doing?

나도 곧 잘준비하려구 하는데ㅎㅎ
I'm going to get ready to sleep soon, too.

하기 전에 좀만 더 있다가 하고 싶어서 왔엉 ㅎ
I came here because I wanted to do it a little later before I did it.

오늘 내가 좋아하는 친구랑 만나고 수다 엄청 떨고 왔엉 ㅎㅎ
I met my favorite friend today and chatted a lot.

나 오늘 좋은 하루를 보냈엉💖
I had a good day today 💖

"언니 생일카페 해시 정해줘요 제발 "
"Pick a hash for your birthday cafe. please"

Bibi loves ORBIT 💖

어때? 나 해시 이런거 잘 모른뎅 ㅎ
What do you think? I don't know much about hash.

이모티콘 못 쓰면 내하트 어떡해ㅜ
What should I do with my heart if I can't use emoticons?

오빛덕에 태어나기 잘했당

I'm glad I was born thanks to Orbit.

어때어때 ㅎㅎ
What do you think?

<3 3
<3 3

내 이모티콘
My emoticon.

어떻게든 이모티콘 쓴닼ㅋㅋ
I'm using emojis somehow lol





이모콘 많넹^*^
There are a lot of emoticons. :)

생일을 챙겨줘서 고마워 덕분에 생일 소중해진것같아유💖
Thank you for taking care of my birthday. I think my birthday became precious thanks to you.You 💖

";ㅁ; 눈물 흘리는 귀여운 이모티콘"
";m; cute emoticon that sheds tears"

Oh my.

So cute!

"#오빛덕에_해삐벌스데이:) 이게 더 괜찮지않아?? 삐 들어가니까ㅎㅎ"
"#Thanks to Orbit_Happy Birthday :) Isn't this better? Since the beep goes in, haha"

오 좋당👍🏻💖
Oh, that's nice


"나도 생일 12월 9일이라 내 생일 축하인척 해야지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"My birthday is December 9th, so I'm going to pretend to celebrate my birthday. (Laughs)"

아니지 특별한 너만의 생일이니까 미리 축하해유💖
No, it's your special birthday, so happy birthday in advance. 💖

"ㅠ,.ㅠ 원래 울때 콧물 한방울 흘려줘야대"
"You're supposed to have a runny nose when you cry."

현실적이니까 웃기고 좋당ㅋㅋ👍🏻
It's funny because it's realistic. 👍🏻

내가 마치 신데렐라처럼
I'm like Cinderella.

잘준비하러 간다잉
I'm going to get ready to sleep.


before 12 o'clock

12시 지나면 배터리 🪫..
After 12 o'clock, the battery...

삐.삐. ⚠️경고
Beep beep. ⚠️Warning

충전하러 가세요 이럼ㅋㅋ
Go recharge. If you do this.

오빛도 계란피부 위해서 자러 가유 ㅋㅋ
Orbit also goes to sleep for egg skin lol

"근데 저 배터리 이모티콘 처음 봐"
"I've never seen a battery emoticon before."

Me too.

우리 같이 예뻐지려고 하러 가자💖ㅋㅋ
Let's go to get pretty together. 💖 lol

Sleep well.

I love you.

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