2022 11 06 3519
어제 찍은 사진이유
The reason for the picture I took yesterday.
한강쪽에 카페가고 그랬엉
I went to a cafe near Han River.
핑크뮬리 알아??
Do you know Pink Muri?
지인이랑 갔다왔엉
I went with an acquaintance.
핑크뮬리 보고 싶어서 갔는데
I went because I wanted to see Pink Muri.
사람 너무 많아서 줄 쓰고 있더라고
There were so many people using the rope.
그래서 밥먹고 카페가고 갔어
So I ate and went to a cafe.
못 봤엉 어제 일요일이란게 깜빡했슈..
I didn't see it. I forgot it was Sunday yesterday.
핑크뮬리사진 보니까 너무 예쁘더라
I saw the pink muley picture and it was so pretty.
못봐서 좀 아쉽..ㅎ
It's a bit sad that I couldn't see you.Hah!
담 기회로
by chance
한국에 진짜 예쁜거 너무 많넹 핑크뮬리도 있고 벚꽃도 있고 눈도 있고 제주도도 있고
There are so many pretty things in Korea. There are pink muli, cherry blossoms, snow, and Jeju Island.
지금 단풍잎도 있당
There are maple leaves right now.
볼게 많엉 ㅎㅎ
There's a lot to see.
오빛도 있고💖
Orbit. 💖
예쁜거만 있넹 ㅎㅎ
There are only pretty things.