2022 10 27 3487
진짜 시작하기 전에 막 설레고 그래 ㅎㅎ
I'm really excited before I start lol
응원하다가 열기 나서 땀나 ㅋㅋ
I'm sweating because it's hot while cheering.
오빛들 진짜 대단한다고 생각했엉 ㅎㅎ
I thought ORBITs were amazing.
우리 멋진 오빛💖
Our awesome ORBIT💖
I love you ❤️
Good morning!
나 등산 안 가는데!??
I'm not going hiking!
현진이랑 데이트는 맞는뎅
It's true that I'm on a date.
"현진이가 오늘 삐행이랑 데이트가는데 어디가는지 궁금하면 삐행한테 물어보라했샤"
"HYUNJIN is going on a date with Bbihaeng. If you want to know where he's going, ask him."
앜ㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋ 궁금하게 했넹ㅋㅋㅋ
Oh, I made you curious.
이게 좀 맞추기가 어려워서 ㅋㅋ
It's a little hard to match lol
"현진이가 요즘 오빛들이랑 마피아게임 하더니 자꾸 수수께끼처럼 말해요😂"
"HYUNJIN is playing the mafia game with ORBIT and he keeps talking like a riddle.😂"
So cute.(Laughs)
음 힌트 어떻게 주지
How can I give you a hint?
데이트사진 찍으면 깜짝놀랄수도 ㅋㅋ
You might be surprised if you take a date picture.
정답 잠시후 오늘밤에 공개하겠습니다🌟ㅎㅎ
The answer will be revealed later tonight.🌟 lol
힌트는 조금만 줄겡
I'll give you a little hint.
처음해보는 데이트인데
It's my first date.
근데 내용자체는 비슷한거 많이 해봤샤
But I've done a lot of similar things in the story itself.
누가 사우나이랰ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Someone said sauna
찜질방 같이 가봤지~
We went to a sauna together.
오빛 너무 똑똑하니까 힌트 이만ㅋㅋㅋ
Orbit is so smart, so this is the hint.
준비하러 갈겡~
I'm going to get ready.
"걸어서 홍콩까지 가기인가"
"Walking to Hong Kong?"
Lol kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
이따 또 올겡💖
I'll be back later💖
오빛아 미안 ㅜ 나중에 말해줄겡
Orbit, I'm sorry. I'll tell you later.
걱정마요 좋은밤 보내용💖
Don't worry. Have a good night. 💖
Good morning 🌟
나도 보고 싶었엉 ㅎㅎ
I missed you too lol
오늘 잠깐잠깐 비올것같아서 따뜻하게 입고 우산 챙겨유~
I think it's going to rain briefly today, so dress warmly and bring an umbrella.
나 방금 일어났슈 ㅎ
I just woke up.
머리는 아직 자고 있엉 ㅎ
My head is still sleeping.
추워지니까 이불이랑 헤어지기를 힘들어졌어 ㅋㅋ
It's getting cold, so it's hard to break up with the blanket lol.
추워져서 감기 꼭 조심🌟
It's getting cold, so make sure you don't catch a cold. 🌟
나가면 패딩 입어야겠당
I should wear a padded jacket when I go out.
오늘 좀 따뜻하나?
Is it warm today?
그럼 목도리 ㅎㅎ
Then a scarf.
사실 그냥 쓰고 싶어서 ㅋㅋ
Actually, I just wanted to use it.
목도리 샀는데 아직 별로 못 써서 ㅎㅎ
I bought a scarf, but I haven't used it much yet.
"목도리하구 드라마 도깨비처럼 아저씨 사랑해요 한번 해주세여😍💖"
"Please say "I love you, uncle" like a scarf and drama goblin. 😍💖"
지금 날씨에 도깨비 보기 어울릴것같넹 ㅎㅎ
I think it would be good to see a goblin in this weather.
"눈 잔뜩 왔을 때 목도리 했던 삐행 사진 너무 귀여웠어서 아직두 생각나요😆"
"The picture of me wearing a scarf when it snowed a lot was so cute that I still remember.😆"
추워서 더 입고 싶었엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I wanted to wear more because it was cold.(Laughs)
"이제 날씨도 추워지구 크리스마스랑 눈 생각도 나는데 올해에는 꼭 삐행님의 화이트 크리스마스 소원이 이뤄졌음 좋겠어요"
"It's cold now. It reminds me of global Christmas and snow. I hope your white Christmas wish comes true this year."
너무 예쁘겠당 진짜 보고 싶당
It must be so pretty. I really want to see it.
"삐행은 이번 겨울에 가장하고 싶은거있나요..???"
"What do you want to do the most this winter?"
스키!! 한번도 안 가봐서
Skiing! I've never been there.
"화이트 크리스마스 하는 꿀팁) 강원도를 간다"
"White Christmas tip) Going to Gangwon-do."
스키 지금도 할수있나?
Can you ski now?
대부분 가봤구낭
You've been there most of the time.
아 12월부터구낭
Oh, since December.
애옹한테 데이트신청?ㅋㅋ
Ask me out on a date?lol
거기 가면 눈이 많겠넹
There must be a lot of snow there.
이번 겨울에 꼭 간다다ㅏㄷ잉
be sure to go this winterAh ding.
"헐 이달의 탐탐탐 시즌 3로 스키장 가면 좋겠다ㅠㅠ"
"I hope we can go to a ski resort for LOONA's Season 3.crying"
That's awesome.