2022 10 15 3373
와줘서 넘 고마워유
Thank you so much for coming.
덕분에 사랑많이받아서 행복했어유💕
Thanks to you, I was happy to receive a lot of love. U💕
오빛아 좋은 아침🌟
Orbit, good morning. 🌟
잘 잤어유 오빛도?
Did you sleep well, Orbit?
애옹이가 할로윈소식 어디까지 나왔을까 ㅎㅎ
How far did the news of Halloween come out?
"애옹인 분장 뭐할지 투표받던데 삐행은 정했다면서???😍"
"You were getting votes on what to dress up as a kitty, but I heard you decided to beep?😍"
맞아유 ㅎㅎ
That's right.
내가 좋아하는 영화 캐릭터로 ㅎㅎ
As my favorite movie character.
작년 좀 이상?무섭?하게 했잖아유🤣ㅋㅋ
More than last year?It was scary.You 🤣 lol
좀비는 아니얏
It's not a zombie.
하고 싶지만 좀비 분장하면 길거리에 돌아다닐거야^^ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I'd love to, but if I dress up as a zombie, I'll walk around the streets.^^(Laughs)
마치 내가 진짜 좀비처럼 ㅎ
Like I'm a real zombie
사실 뭐할지 좀 고민했지만
I thought about what to do.
그래도 내가 좋아하는캐릭터로 해야 재밌겠다는 생각들어서 ㅎㅎ
But I thought it would be fun to do it with my favorite character.
"애옹이가 웃긴거 할려고하면 삐행이 막아줘야해요😂😂"
"If he tries to do something funny, he needs to stop it.😂😂"
애옹이 뭐한대유?
What is kitty doing?
나한테 말하고 또 투표받으러 갔구먼
You told me and went to get another vote.
"투표는 받긴 했는데
당일날도 바뀌는 게 애옹이 마음이라…😅😅😅"
"I did get a vote.
It's the kitty's mind that changes on the same day...😅😅😅"
맞아윸ㅋㅋㄱㅋㄲㅋ아무도 몰라아라라ㅏ라
That's right. LOL. Nobody knows.
"현진이 도라에몽한대"
"HYUNJIN said Doraemon."
Oh, no.(Laughs)Really?No, it's not.
하 갑자기 나도 웃긴거 하고 싶넹
I want to do something funny all of a sudden.
나 이미 정했는뎅
I've already decided.
나도 투표찬스 써볼겡^ㅋㅋ
I'll use the voting chance too. lol
정했었는데 나를 흔들리지마윸ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I've decided, but don't be swayed by me.
캐릭터 추천 받습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I'll take character recommendations. (Laughs)
내가 원래 정했던거를 흔들릴수있는지 모르지만 ㅋㅋ
I don't know if I can shake what I originally decided lol
"현진이 도라에몽
삐행 도라미 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"HYUNJIN is Doraemon.
Beep! Dorami! (Laughs)"
아까 짱구짱아도 봤는뎈ㅋㅋㄱㅋㄲㅋㅋ
I saw Jjanga earlier, too. LOL.
우리 남매넹ㅋㅋㅋ
It's my brother and sister.
ㅋㄱㅋㄲㅋㅋ 예쁜거 더 좋아하군ㅋㅋㅋ
LOL. You like pretty things better. LOL.
분장용품 찾아봐야겠당
I'm going to look for makeup items.
요즘 많이 팔겠지 생각만해도 벌써 할로윈 같앸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I think they sell a lot these days. It already feels like Halloween.(Laughs)
I'm looking forward to look forward to it
필리핀 잘 다녀올게유~
I'll have a good trip to the Philippines.
스껄~ 브이앱 본사람?
Who watched the vlive?
스껄 중독성 쩔엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It's so addictive.(Laughs)
킹받지마샤 스껄~ㅋㅋ
Don't be the king.
필리핀 한여름이군
It's midsummer in the Philippines.
자나가버린 여름을 다시 만났넹 ㅎㅎ
I met the summer that passed away again.
좀 덥고 습하지만 날씨는 좋아
It's hot and humid, but the weather is nice.
나 지금 준비중이야
I'm getting ready.
하고 밥 먹을예정 ㅎ
I'm going to eat after that.
필리핀 페스티벌 기대가 된당
I'm looking forward to the Philippines festival.
어제밤 과일 먹었는데 망고 완전 맛있었어
I ate fruit last night and the mango was so good.
그래서 또 과일 시켰지롱
So I ordered fruits.
필리핀 과일 유명한가보다
Philippine fruits must be famous.
저 노란색과일 좋아하거든 ㅎㅎ
I like yellow fruits.
망고 많이 먹고 가야겠당
I'm going to eat a lot of mangoes.
바나나 망고 파인애플💖
Banana, mango, pineapple💖
두리안은 제대로 안 먹어봐서
I haven't tried durian properly.