2022 09 24 3186
창문만 열어도 춥더라구
It's cold just by opening the window.
오빛들 따뜻하게 입고 다녀유
ORBIT, dress warmly.
오래만이쥬 넘 늦게 와서 미안해유
I'm sorry I came so late after a long time.
이해해줘서 고마워유💕
Thank you for your understanding. 💕
걱정마유 건강해유
Don't worry. Stay healthy.
시차 생각보다 심해서 밤에 계속 못 자다가 어제 꾹 참고 밤에 8시반쯤에 잤슈
The time difference was worse than I thought, so I couldn't sleep at night. I held it in and slept around 8:30 last night.
Charging. Charging.
오늘 오래만에 한국에 팬싸하는것같애
I think it's been a long time since I had a fan signing event in Korea.
오래만에 봐서 넘 잔가웠슈
It was so nice to see you after a long time.
이제 퇴근해서 집가는중~
I'm on my way home from work now.
I'm hungry.
뭐 먹지
What should I eat?
헉 샤브샤브 좋다
Oh, shabu shabu sounds good.
근데 가기 멀어서ㅜ
But it's too far to go.
시켜먹는지 아님 해먹는지
Do you order it or cook it?
Well ..
어젠가 마라탕해먹었는데 양 조절 못해서 넘 매웠어🫠
I made malatang yesterday, but it was so spicy because I couldn't control the amount.🫠
마라탕소스 샀거든 ㅎㅎ
I bought malatang sauce lol
쑥갓시금치버섯 여러개 샀는뎅
I bought several crown daisy spinach mushrooms.
다 먹었어🫠
I'm done eating 🫠
🫠 이거 요즘에 내 최애 이모티콘
🫠 This is my favorite emoticon these days.
넘 기엽샤
She's so cute.
🫠🫠🫠 lol
"삐행님 마라탕에는 야채 엄청 많이 들어갈 거 같아 ㅎㅎㅎ"
"Bbihaeng, I think there will be a lot of vegetables in malatang."
예림이 내것 보고 내 마라탕 초록색이라고 했었엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Yerim said my malatang is green when she saw mine.
Meat and...
계란볶음 먹어야겠당
I should eat stir-fried egg.
옛날에 예림이랑 갔을때야
It was when I went with Yerim a long time ago.
아프지않았으면 ㅜ
I hope you didn't get sick.
오빛도 좀만 기다려줘유
Orbit, please wait a little bit.you