2022 09 16 3111
"고기 잘 굽는 사람 이상형이야!🤭🥰"
"A person who grills meat well is my ideal type!🤭🥰"
ㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋ바로 나🙋🏻♀️
Lol Lol Lol It's me 🙋🏻♀️
It's 9:40 PM.
이 시간에 고기지입 안 열겠쥬 ㅋ
I won't open the meat paper at this hour.
그럼 좀 자야겠다 ㅎ
Then I should sleep. Hah!
나 결국 자고 일어나서 찜닭 먹음 ㅎ
I ended up sleeping and eating jjimdak.
긴장 찜닭~
Nervous jjimdak!
순한맛으로 먹었어~
I ate it with mild taste.
후 배불러
I'm full.
오빛도 저녁 먹었슈?
Orbit, did you have dinner?
"삐행 배부르다고 하는 거 처음 듣는 거 같아 ㅋㅋ"
"I think it's my first time hearing that I'm full."
ㅋㅋㅋ 나 항상 배고팠었낰ㅋㅋ
LOL. I was always hungry. LOL
"비비는 뭔가 자기관리 항상 하고있어서 배부르게 안먹고 참았던 것 같아요😂"
"Bibi is always taking care of himself, so I didn't eat a lot and held it in.😂"
사실 항상 배 터지게 먹었샤 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
To be honest, I always ate a lot. (Laughs)
내 위를 꽉 채우게 ㅋㅋ
I'll fill my stomach lol
투어동안에 하루 한 세네끼 먹은것같앸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I think I ate about three or four meals a day during the tour.(Laughs)
배고픈거 못 참아유😝
I can't stand being hungry. 😝
맞쥬 배고프면 예민한단말이유
That's right. I'm sensitive when I'm hungry.
난 건강한거 몸에 편한거를 좋아하는뿐
I just like being healthy and comfortable.
난 죽ㅇㅓ도 못 굶어🫠
I can't even starve.
이제 굶은 시대가 아니라 건강하게 살아야 행복하샤💖
It's not the era of starvation, but be happy when you live healthy. 💖
나 요즘 운동 잘 안 하는데
I don't work out these days.
근데 많이 걸으려구 해 ㅎㅎ
But I'm going to walk a lot.
최근에 하루 최대치 2만2천보 걸었슈
I've walked 22,000 steps a day.
매우 뿌뜻😇
Very proud 😇
"ㅎㅎ 좀있으면 가을 와서 산에 단풍도 피는데 등산해요👍"
"The autumn will come soon, and autumn leaves will bloom in the mountains, so I'm hiking.👍"
헐 이제 등산하기 좋은 날씨넹😍
Wow, it's a good day to go hiking now. 😍
"비행기 안타고 걸어서 갔슈??"
"Did you walk there without a plane?"
앜ㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋ그럼 20년후 도착하겠어유
"발바닥 안아프세요? ㅋㅋ"
"Doesn't your foot hurt? lol"
걸고 집가서 또 다리 올려야지^^ㅎㅎ
I'm going to put my legs up again when I get home. ^^Haha
스트레칭 진짜 할수록 시원해🌟
The more you stretch, the more refreshing it is. 🌟
스트레칭 진짜 피로와 아픔에 도움이 돼유👍🏻 강추 ㅋㅋ
Stretching really helps with fatigue and pain. U👍🏻 I strongly recommend it.
오빛아~ 나 빨래하러간다~
Orbit, I'm going to do the laundry.
이불도 돌고 옷도 돌고 인형도 다 돌았슈
Blankets, clothes, dolls, everything.
밥도 먹고
I ate.
이제 시차와의 싸움 ㅋㅋㅋ
Now the fight against jet lag lol
오빛들도 잘준비했슈?
Orbit, did you prepare well?
나 누워있쥬
I'm lying down.
나 어제 웹툰 소녀의세계 봤는뎅
I saw the world of webtoon girls yesterday.
감동 왕창 먹고 울뻔
I almost cried after eating so much.
쿠키도 다 사고 봤슈
I bought all the cookies.
It's about family.
말하기엔 좀 길어서
It's a bit long to say.
시간이 있으면 봐바유 ㅎㅎ
See you if you have time.
와 근데 내가 지금 한국에 있는건가 ㅋㅋ
Wow, but am I in Korea right now?
한달반동안에 혼란ㅋㅋㅋ
Confused for a month and a half lol
오늘 찜닭 시켜먹어서 한국맞앜ㅋㅋ
I ordered jjimdak today, so it's Korea.
해외투어 진짜 너무 특별한 추억이 된것같애
The overseas tour became such a special memory.
"근데 삐행한텐 서울콘도 해외투어야?"
"But is the Seoul concert an overseas tour for Bbihaeng?"
그러게 ㅋㅋ 왜 국내투어같짘ㅋㅋ
I know. Why does it seem like a domestic tour?
혼란이 많넹ㅋㅋㅋ
There's a lot of confusion.
내가 누구 여긴 어딬ㅋㅋㅋ
Who am I and where am I?
나 이제 자러 간다잉
I'm going to bed now.
I'm getting sleepy.
시차없이 잘자길 ㅎㅎ
I hope you sleep well without time difference.