2022 09 13 3074
비오니까 애옹이가 바로 노래 틀었어 ㅋㅋ
When it rained, the kitty turned on the music right away.
Sentimental time.
유럽에 비 자주 오더라구
It rains a lot in Europe.
오다가 또 그치다가 무한반복
It comes and stops, and it repeats endlessly.
그래서 유럽사람들 그렇게 갬성 많은가?
Is that why Europeans are so sentimental?
비가 자주 오니까
Since it rains often,
비오면 뭔가 감정이 풍부해졐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I get emotional when it rains.(Laughs)
막 내가 시인인것같고 우울한 영화주인공인것같곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I feel like I'm a poet and I feel like I'm the main character of a depressing movie.
NF만 이러나??
Is it just NF?
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk cool mbti
"st 인데 아 내일 출근허기 힘들겠네 생각만 들어유 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"It's a style, but I think it's going to be hard to go to work tomorrow."
Thank you.(Laughs)
"enfp들은 비올때 아련한 주인공마냥 비맞고 걸은적있을걸 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 몰론나부터....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"Enfp have walked in the rain like a sentimental protagonist in the rain lol. Since I don't know...(Laughs)"
기분이 안 좋으면 막 갑자기 비 맞고 싶고 ㅋㅋ
If I don't feel good, I suddenly want to get rained on.
우산도 귀찮아서 잘 안 챙기고 ㅋㅋ
I don't even take umbrellas because I'm lazy.
mbti 재밌어서 갈수록 빠지고 있넹 ㅋㅋ
Mbti is fun, so I'm getting more and more into it.
인프피랑 잘 맞는 유형이 뭘까
What's the type that goes well with INFP?
오빛이넹 ㅎㅎ💖💖💖
It's Orbit. 💖💖💖
ㅋㅋㅋORBI-T형이랑 찰떡🌟💖
LOL It goes well with ORBI-T type 🌟💖
요즘에는 다 mbti 알잖앙
These days, everyone knows MBti.
나도 빠져서 친구랑 가족의 mbti 궁금해져서
I was so into it that I became curious about my friends and family's mbti.
물어보더니 다 모른대🤓
I asked and they all said they don't know 🤓
내가 검사링크 보내줘야겠당^^
I'll send you a link to the test. ^^
나 두번째 할때 중국어검사로 해봤는뎅
I took a Chinese test for the second time.
똑같이 나왔어 ㅎ
It came out exactly the same.
나 지금 준비하고 잠깐 쉬는중
I'm getting ready and taking a break.
오빛이는 뭐해~
Orbit, what are you doing?
루미너스 기다리고 있군 역시 오빛🌟
Luminus is waiting for you. As expected, Orbit 🌟