2022 09 07 3025
그래도 있는거는 다 있었어 ㅎㅎ
But I had everything I had.
독일에 뭐가 유명하쥬?
What is famous in Germany?
소시지랑 맥주군
Sausage and beer.
슈바인학센 맛있나?
Is Schweinshaxen good?
다 맛보기 하고 싶다
I want to taste them all.
구경하러 가고 싶지만 시간이 좀 애매하넹
I'd love to go look around, but the time is kind of vague.
오늘 한국시간에 맞춰서 자볼까
Should I sleep in time for Korea?
좀 무리인가 ㅎㅎ
Is it too much?
그래유 그냥 졸릴때 자고 ㅎㅎ
Yeah, I just sleep when I'm sleepy.
지금 버스에 구름이 완전 가까워보이는데
The clouds look so close to the bus.
앞에도 하늘 밖에 안 보여서
I can only see the sky in front of me.
하늘로 갈것같앸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I feel like I'm going to the sky.(Laughs)
구름 대박 많아
There are so many clouds.
지금 비 그쳤어
It stopped raining.
오빛아 추석 잘 보냈슈?
Orbit, did you have a good Chuseok?
가족이랑 못 본다면 가족한테 전화했나유?
Did you call your family if you can't see them?
난 이제 도착하고 전화하려구 ㅎㅎ
I'm going to call you after I arrive.
보름달 못 봐서 아쉽지만
It's sad that I couldn't see the full moon,
오빛의 눈으로 대리만족할게유 ㅎ
I'll vicariously satisfy you with Orbit's eyes.
현진이가 귀신얘기중이야?
HYUNJIN is talking about ghosts?
옆에서 막 뭐하고 있엌ㅋㅋㅋ
What are you doing next to me?
Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol.
오빛들 빨리 이불을 덮어 발가락까지
ORBIT, hurry up and cover your toes.
안 그러면 누가 발목 잡아><
If you don't, who's going to grab you?
무섭샤 나도
I'm scared, too.
근데 웃겨 애옹이갘ㅋㅋ
But it's funny.
헉 지금 침대옆에 불이 반짝거려😶🌫️
Oh, the light is shining next to the bed. 😶🌫️
독일귀신이랑 말도 안 통하겠군
I don't think I can communicate with German ghosts.
불 반짝거려서 껐어 ㅋㅋ
I turned off the lights because they were sparkling.
There's no ghost.
애옹이 혼자 옆에서 귀신영상보고 있나봨ㅋㅋ
I guess the kitty is watching the ghost video by himself.
중간중간에 무서운비명ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Screaming from time to time.(Laughs)
이제 졸린다
I'm sleepy now.
오빛 안 졸려?
Orbit, aren't you sleepy?
꿈에 귀신 나오겠어ㅜㅋ
A ghost will come out in my dream.
오빛아 잘자~🌟
Orbit, good night. 🌟
버스 출발 기다리는중
Waiting for the bus to leave.
맥주 맛없어 ㅋㅋ
Beer is not good lol
이따 출발할때 기절했으면 좋겠당 ㅎ
I hope I faint when I leave later.
난 탄산 안 좋아해서
I don't like carbonated drinks.
술도 사실 좋아하는편 아님
I don't really like drinking either.
분위기만 좋아
I just like the atmosphere.
취하지않았지 ㅎㅎ
I'm not drunk lol
지금 매님 잠 안 잔다고 게임 켰엌ㅋㅋ
He just turned on the game because he's not sleeping.
맥주 한별도 안 마셨어
I didn't drink a single beer.
근데 얼굴 빨갛게
But my face is red.
"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 무슨 게임해유????"
"(Laughs) What game do you play?"
이따가 한번도 안 깨고 도착할때 기절했으면
If I passed out when I arrived without waking up,