2022 09 05 3008
꽃 오빛이가 줬슈
Orbit gave it to me.
밥 먹으러 가는중이여서 식당 가져가더니
I was on my way to eat, so he took me to the restaurant.
직원분 화병주시고 담아줬슈
I gave a vase to the staff and put it in.
넘 스윗해
So sweet.
오늘 7시 일어나서 밥 먹고 구경하고~
I woke up at 7, ate, looked around.
한국에 태풍 왔다던데ㅜ
I heard there was a typhoon in Korea.
Is it too much?
오빛 괜찮아?
Orbit, are you okay?
날씨가 뭔가 계속 안 좋네ㅠ
The weather has been bad.
Be careful.
What are you doing?
한국에 퇴근시간이구먼
It's time to get off work in Korea.
울 오빛 오늘하루도 수고했슈💖
ORBIT, you did a great job today. 💖
난 아침에 애옹이랑 조식먹고 쉬고
I had breakfast with my cat in the morning and rested.
지금 준비하러갔엉
I went to get ready.
"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 애옹이가 삐행님 아침에 깨울까 말까 고민 많이하던데"
"(Laughs) He was thinking a lot about waking you up in the morning."
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ긍까 아까 나한테 중국어로 깨우는 말도 배웠엌ㅋ
(Laughs)I learned how to wake you up in Chinese earlier.
So cute.
샤우나도 갔지 애옹이랑 같이 ㅎㅎ
Shauna went with the kitty.
나한테 갑자기 싱라이 막 이래서 엥 했는뎅 ㅋㅋ
He suddenly said "sing-lai" to me, so I did it.
근데 起床了 더 자연스러워서 이거로 알려줬어 ㅎㅎ
But it was more natural, so I taught it with this.
원래 자기전에 출발전 가려구 했는데 ㅎㅎ
Originally, I was going to go before I went to bed.
나 7시반8시 깰때 뭔가 애옹이 배고플것같았어 ㅋㅋ
When I woke up at 7:30 and 8 o'clock, I thought my kitty would be hungry.
"치촹러 이정도로 읽으면 되나 ㅋㅋ"
"Should I read it this much? LOL"
오 맞아 비슷해유 발음
Oh, that's right. The pronunciation is similar.
조식 뷔페여서 다양하게 먹었엉
It was a breakfast buffet, so I ate a variety of things.
아직도 배불러
I'm still full.
나 오믈렛 고기류 식빵 먹고
I ate omelet meat bread.
진짜 다양하게 먹었엌ㅋㅋ
I ate so many things.
먹고 내가 좋아하는 바나나도 챙겨갔슈 ㅎㅎ
I ate and took my favorite banana.
공연장에 먹게
To eat at the concert hall.
날씨 확실히 쌀쌀한 가을이다 여긴
The weather is definitely chilly in autumn. Here
가을공기라서 어제 나갔을때 넘 좋았어💖
It was so nice when I went out yesterday because it was autumn air. 💖
한국은 태풍 지나갔나!?
Did the typhoon pass in Korea?
한국도 빨리 날씨 좋아지면 좋겠다
I hope the weather in Korea gets better soon.
오빛들 좀 잘 쉴수있게
So that ORBIT can rest well.
오 좋아지고 있어서 다행🌟
Oh I'm glad it's getting better 🌟
환절기에 감기 조심하샤 따뜻하게 입고💖
Be careful not to catch a cold during the change of seasons. Dress warmly 💖
나도 잘 챙기니까 걱정마유💕
I also take care of myself, so don't worry. 💕
오늘도 화이팅!!🔥
Fighting today too!🔥
폴란드 고마우어요💖
Gomaou, Poland.💖
신기한 응원법 너무 귀여웠어용 ㅎㅎ
The strange fan chant was so cute.
여기 밤에 완전 겨울같애
It's like winter here at night.
일교차가 심하구낭
The daily temperature difference is severe.