2022 08 31 2963



Good night 💖

나 도착!
I'm here!

미국보다 더 멀넹
It's farther than the U.

9월4일 또 둘째날 ㅋㅋ
September 4th is the second day.

아까 지고 보니까
When I lost earlier,


옆에 체코넹
It's Czech next to me.

유닛때 옆에 갔었구나 해서
I thought I went next to him during the unit.


엉덩이 아파..ㅋㅋ
My butt hurts.lol

날씨는 좋아
The weather is nice.

나중에 체코나 뉴질랜드 다시 가고 싶다
I want to go to the Czech Republic or New Zealand again.

"12명만 367일을 사는"
"Only 12 people live for 367 days."

LOL, LOL, LOL. But...

한국가면 하루 없어져서 365일은 똑같애
When I go back to Korea, one day is gone, so 365 days are the same.

그냥 당겨서 미리 보내버렸엌ㅋㅋ
I just pulled it and sent it in advance lol

폴란드는 2시반이야
It's 2:30 in Poland.


그래도 시차 미국보가 덜나서 괜찮은것같기도..?
But I think it's okay because the time difference is less than that of the United States?

폴란드 나도 잘 몰라서
I don't know Poland well either.

이따 검색해봐야지
I'll look it up later.

나 슬슬 졸려서 어질어질햌ㅋㅋ
I'm getting sleepy and dizzy lol

낮잠 잘 안자서
I don't really take a nap.

비행기에 조금 잤다가 깼어
I slept a little on the plane and woke up.

앉아서는 나 기절하지않을 이상 못자
I can't sleep unless I pass out.

영화도 보고 꿈의집도 하고
I watched a movie and did a dream house.

꿈의집 투어가면서 시작했어🫠
I started with a dream house tour.

1/2시간 잤나?
Did I sleep for 1/2 hour?

I watched a Hong Kong movie.

梅艷芳라는 영화인데
It's a movie called 艷芳라는영화.

유명한 홍콩가수이야
He is a famous Hong Kong singer.


"가수이름이 영화제목이야???"
"The name of the singer is the title of the movie???"

가수이름은 영화이름!
The name of the singer is the name of the movie!

매염방이당 한국어
It's a Korean word.

재밌었어 여배우 진짜 매염방같애
It was fun. The actress really looks like a maeyeombang.

역시 많이 알고 있구낭
As expected, you know a lot.

"아 매염방이 홍콩 유명가수고 매염방을 주제로 영화를 만들었다는 거지?"
"Ah, Maeyeombang is a famous Hong Kong singer and you made a movie about Maeyeombang, right?"

That's right!

꿈의집은 희진현진 따라잡을수없짘ㅋㅋ 난 비행기용
The dream house can't catch up with Heejin and Hyunjin lol I'm for an airplane.

나 지금 401
I'm at 401.

둘이 비해 완전 초봌ㅋㅋ
Compared to the two, it's totally beginner lol

미국때 진짜 맨날 비행기에 꿈의집만 했엌ㅋ
When I was in America, I always did the dream house on the plane.

옛날에 비슷한게임 무슨캔디? 많이 했어서 이제 흥미 좀 잃은것같애 ㅎ
A similar game. What candy? I think I lost interest because I did a lot.

"Is it candy crush?"

That's right!

끝이 안 보이는게임들🫠
Endless games 🫠

근데 손 심심할때 최고의 게임ㅋㅋㅋ
But the best game when your hands are bored lol

유럽 이제 추워지나
It's getting cold in Europe.

혹시 몰라서 외투 하나 챙기긴했는데
I packed a coat just in case.

해외 가니 또 렉걸린다..
It's lagging again when I go abroad.

또 올겡 오빛들💖
I'll be back, ORBIT💖