2022 08 24 2870
내 프사는 예고사진이였슈
My profile picture was a preview picture.
It's cute, right?
나 비행기에서 비행기타는 꿈 꿨어 ㅋ
I had a dream that I was on a plane.
꿈에 비행기창문밖에 보니까 사람들 옆에 같이 스카이점프하고 있어 ㅋㅋ
I only see the airplane window in my dream, so I'm skyjumping with people next to me.
비행기 중간 도착하고 또 출발하는데
We arrived in the middle of the flight and left again.
길 잘 못 가서 돌아갔엌ㅋㅋ
I went back because I didn't go the right way.
the real thing
꿈에서 재밌게 구경했어 ㅋㅋ
I had fun watching it in my dream lol
꿈에 진짜 예뻤오
It was so pretty in my dream.
진짜 짧게 한 30분만 잤는데
I slept for like 30 minutes.
진짜 꿈나라 갔옼ㅋㅋ
I really went to dreamland.
나 꿈 항상 생생해서 구분못햌ㅋㅋ
My dream is always vivid, so I can't tell the difference lol