2022 08 23 2861
오늘도 덕분에 즐거웠어용
Thanks to you, I had a great time today.
오늘의 하루 끝
The end of the day.
다 하고 누웠어 ㅎ
I lied down after finishing it.
어제밤 꿈 진짜 많이 꿨는데
I had a lot of dreams last night.
오늘 꿈 안꾸면 좋겠당
I hope you don't dream tonight.
꿈 내용은 기억안나 ㅎ
I don't remember the dream.
근데 엄청 길었어
But it was really long.
꿈 안 꾸는 사람들 부러웡
I'm jealous of people who don't dream.
나 항상 꿈이 드라마처럼 길엌ㅋㅋ
My dream is always long like a drama.
꿈 많이 꿔서 뭔가 뭐가 바빠
I had a lot of dreams, so I'm not busy.
It's chaotic.
근데 자기전에 생각 많이 하면 진짜 꿈에 나와
But if you think about it a lot before you go to sleep, it comes out in your dreams.
나 한번에 꿈에 있는데
I'm in my dream at once.
갑자기 누가 노크 엄청 크게 해서 놀라면서 깼어ㅜ
Suddenly, someone knocked so loudly that I woke up surprised.
내 심장 쫄렸어ㅜ
My heart was pounding.
일어나보니까 청소하신분이였오ㅜ
When I woke up, it was someone who cleaned.ㅜ
그래서 나 문 잠기 고 자는게 좋아해
So I like to sleep with the door locked.
잠 잘때 습관 많은것같기도..ㅎ
I think I have a lot of habits when I sleep.Hah!
그때 깰때 나 지각한줄았어ㅠ
I thought I was late when I woke up.
막 시간보고
I looked at the time.
다행인게 아니였어 덜덜
It wasn't a relief.
나 쫄보야😗
I'm a scaredy-cat. 😗
무서워 ㅎㅎ
I'm scared lol
오빛들 든든하당💖
ORBIT, you're so reliable. 💖
심장 좀 약해유 ㅎㅎ
My heart is a little weak lol
나도 오빛이를 지켜줄겡!!💖🌟
I'll protect ORBIT too!💖🌟
좀비 🧟♀️?
Zombie 🧟♀️?
내가 잡아줄겤ㅋㅋㅋ
I'll hold it for you.
오빛이 좀비라면 내가 데리고 갈겡 ㅎㅎ
If Orbit is a zombie, I'll take him with me.
나도 가끔 막 상상해ㅜ 좀비 나오면
I sometimes imagine it when zombies come out.
비상식량 젤 모이고 싶엌ㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋ
I want to gather emergency food.
꿈에서도 좀비 나온적이 몇번 있엌ㅋㅋ
I've seen zombies in my dreams a few times.
오늘 애옹이 고구마를 기브해줬어 ㅎㅎ
My kitty gave me a sweet potato today.
그래서 오래만에 먹었샤
So I ate it after a long time.
Angelic meow💖
콜라는 안 먹고 보관하지 ㅋㅋ
I don't drink cola, I keep it lol
사실 진짜 콜라인지 먹어도 되는지 모르겠어 ㅎ
Actually, I don't know if it's real coke or not.
먹어도 될것같긴한게 안에 탄산 좀 보여
I think I can eat it, but I can see some carbonation inside.
누가 간장이랰ㅋㅋㅋ
Who said soy sauce?
나 애옹이 치즈케익 먹방보는중ㅋㅋ
I'm watching Aeon's cheesecake eating show.
난 아까 치킨윙먹고 양치했지롱
I brushed my teeth after eating chicken wings.
잠 온샤
Sleepy SANA.
Good night 🌟
잠 10시간 자고 싶다잉
I want to sleep for 10 hours.Ing
그치만 일찍 일어나고 싶어 ㅎ
But I want to get up early.
I'm going to sleep. 💖
I love you ❤️