2022 08 15 2755
방금 4시간이나 자버렸어.. ㅎ
I just slept for four hours. Hah!
Worries about life.
야채볶음 먹고 싶당🥦🥬🌽🍠🍳🍖🍲
I want to eat stir-fried vegetables🥦🥬🌽🍠🍳🍖🍲
기름진거 많이 먹어서 프레시한거 먹고 싶나봐 ㅎㅎ
I guess I want to eat something fresh because I ate a lot of oily things.
오빛 점심 맛있게 먹구
Orbit, enjoy your lunch.
나 엄마랑 전화해볼겡 ㅎㅎ
I'll call my mom.
나 조식먹고 준비하러 왔어~
I ate breakfast and came to prepare.
미국와서 모닝커피를 시작했는뎅
I started making morning coffee in America.
중독성있다 ㅎㅎ
It's addictive lol
오늘 머리 뭘하지~
What should I do with my hair today?
따뜻한커피에 우유 넣어서 마셔유~
Drink warm coffee with milk.
차도녀 뭐야 ㅋㅋ
What's up with the car girl lol
Is she a cold city girl?
Go, go, go, go, go, go.
난 차마시는 도시 여자🌟
I'm a city girl who drinks tea 🌟
오늘도 화이팅얏💪🏻
Fighting today too! 💪🏻
스트레칭하러 갈겡 ㅎㅎ
I'm going to go stretch lol
오빛아 잘자~
ORBIT, good night.
I love you ❤️❤️❤️
내일 뉴욕간당~
I'm going to New York tomorrow.
워싱턴도 좀 더 보고 싶은뎅
I want to see more Washington.
정신없이 여기까지 왔지만
We came all the way here,
뭔가 신기하당
It's kind of fascinating.
미국에 여러 도시 이틀씩 가보니까 색다르넹
It feels different to go to various cities in the U.S. for two days.
나도 나중에 세계여행을 가보고 싶거든><
I also want to travel around the world later.
이번 기회 통해서 미리 체험하는것같애 ㅎㅎ
I think I'm experiencing it in advance through this opportunity.
다 보고 싶어 ㅎㅎ
I want to see everything.
뉴욕은 홍콩이랑 좀 비슷한다고 들었는뎅
I heard that New York is similar to Hong Kong.
기대가 되넹~
I'm looking forward to it.
뉴욕 구경거리가 많을것같은뎅
I think there will be a lot of things to see in New York.
다 가보고 싶당
I want to go everywhere.
하루이틀만 더 있으면 재밌을텐뎅
It'll be fun in a day or two.
다음에 또 오면 되지^^
We can come again next time. ^^
첫투어도 재밌으니까~
The first tour is fun, too.
새로운경험 많이 생기고
I'll have a lot of new experiences.
오래동안에 듣기만 했던 첫투어
The first tour that I've only heard for a long time.
When I think about it
믿기지가 않넹
I can't believe it.
울 오빛 덕분이야🌟❤️
It's all thanks to ORBIT. 🌟❤️
Thank you. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
한국시간으로 내일이면 4주년인데
Tomorrow is our 4th anniversary in Korea time.
많은시간 함께 보내줘서 너무 고맙고 사랑해❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for spending a lot of time with me and I love you ❤️❤️❤️
한국에는 오후지만
It's afternoon in Korea.
난 새벽이라
It's early in the morning.
감성 터지는시간 ㅋㅋㅋ
It's time for emotions to explode.
오빛 덕분에 잘 자겠당 ㅎ
Thanks to ORBIT, I'll sleep well.
자러 갈겡🌟
I'm going to sleep. 🌟
I love you. 💖