2022 08 13 2736
하트 엄청 많이 주던데!?
You gave me a lot of hearts!
자주 무한하트 주더라구
You often give me infinite hearts.
그만 하고 싶은데
I want to stop.
또 무한하트 주면 괜히 더 할까 이랰ㅋㅋㅋ
If you give me infinite hearts, I shouldn't have done more lol
지루하면 그냥 꺼버려 ㅋㅋ
If you're bored, just turn it off lol
꿈의집 자꾸 내 손목 잡고 가지말래 ㅋㅋㅋ
They keep telling me not to grab my wrist and go to the dream house lol
쿨하게 바이바이~
Let's be cool. Bye!
핸드폰 게임 추천해줄오빛🌟
Orbit to recommend a cell phone game🌟
밥 왜 오지ㅠ
Why is the food coming?
그래서 비상식량을 샀지ㅜ 또르륵
So I bought emergency food.
5분만 더 기다려보자^^
Let's wait five more minutes. ^^
안 오면 전화한다🔥🫠
If you don't come, I'll call you. 🔥🫠
배달 시켰는데ㅠ
I ordered delivery.
역시 한국의속도 최고 ㅋㅋ
As expected, the speed of Korea is the best.
레딩 인구 9만밖에 안 된다구!!???
There's only 90,000 people in Reading?
애옹이도 기다리면서 잠 들었엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I fell asleep while waiting, too.
일어날때 밥 없으면 호랑이로 변신🐅ㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱ
When you wake up, you turn into a tiger if you don't have food. 🐅 Lol Lol Lol Lol
Now 14:52 🌟
5분 지났나
It's been 5 minutes.
아 오빛이랑 얘기하니까
Talking to ORBIT,
시간 지나도 모르넹
You don't know even after some time.
나 간다잉💃🏻
I'm going. 💃🏻
오빛이도 굿밤
Orbit, good night.
나 오늘 만4천걸음 걸었엉🌟
I walked 14,000 steps today 🌟
I'm satisfied 💖
아침 일찍 나가서 더 많이 걸었나봐 ㅎㅎ
I guess I went out early in the morning and walked more.
갔다와서 수영장도 잠깐 갔어
I went to the swimming pool for a while.
알차게 보냈다 휴
I had a fruitful day.
레딩 여기 구름 진짜 너어~무 예뻐💖
Reading, the clouds here are so pretty. 💖
내 체력의 도전이였어 ㅋㅋ
It was a challenge of my physical strength.
그래서 지금 누워있어
That's why I'm lying down right now.
I'm going to sleep.
오후에 아아 먹었는데 그래도 잘수있겠지..ㅎㅎ
I ate iced Americano in the afternoon, but I can still sleep.Haha
여기는 조용해서 좋아 ㅎ
I like it because it's quiet here.
아이마스크하고 잘겡
I'll wear an eye mask and go to sleep.
내일 보쟈🌟
See you tomorrow 🌟
good morning☀️
good morning☀️
I slept well.
오늘도 날씨 좋당
The weather is nice today, too.
애옹이 속도 너무 빨라
He's so fast.
거의 생방아님!?ㅋㅋㅋ
Isn't it like a live show?LOL
사진 올리는 속도
The speed of uploading pictures.
프사에 사진 많이 올리잖아 애옹이
He posts a lot of pictures on his profile picture.
한국 곧 12시넹
It's almost midnight in Korea.
나 준비하러 갈겡
I'm going to get ready.
예쁜 레딩사진 올리고 갈게~
I'll post a pretty redding picture and go.
Wait 🌟