2022 08 11 2712
잘 도착했어유~
We arrived safely.
Louisville 🌟
날씨 괜찮은것같애
I think the weather is nice.
아직 안 나가봐서 ㅎㅎ
I haven't been out yet.
루이빌에 저녁 추천해줄사람 구함🙋🏻♀️
Looking for someone to recommend dinner in Louisville 🙋🏻♀️
배가 슬슬 고파지네유 ㅎ
I'm getting hungry.
마라탕 맛있겠당
Malatang sounds good.
한국 이제 아침군
It's morning in Korea.
따뜻한 국물 먹고 싶당
I want some hot soup.
Oh, KFC.
홍콩도 있는데
There's Hong Kong, too.
공항에서도 봤어
I saw him at the airport.
안 먹은지 엄청 오래되긴한데
It's been a really long time since I had it.
일단 식당 찾아봐야겠다 ㅎ
I should look for a restaurant. Hah!
한빛의 아메추는 된장찌개🌟
Hanbit's recommendation is doenjang-jjigae 🌟
오늘도 재밌게 놀아봐유
Let's have fun today.
난 헤메하고 저녁을 기다리는중~
I'm waiting for dinner after my hair and makeup.
오늘 점심 너무 짜서 저녁 판다로 바꿨어~
Today's lunch was too salty, so I changed it to panda for dinner.
좀 짜는 음식도 있긴한데 맛있는거도 많아유🌟
There are some salty foods, but there are also many delicious foods.🌟
근데 야채를 필요해 ㅎㅎ
But I need vegetables.
As a sweet potato lover,
고구마튀김 맛있었엉어💖
Sweet potato fries were delicious. 💖
Louisville orbit thank you so much💖
Louisville orbit thank you so much💖
Going home!
오빛도 안전하게 집가요🌟
Orbit, go home safely.🌟