2022 08 07 2642
레옹!! 그 킬러랑 단발여자애기
Leon! The killer and the short-haired girl.
너무 예뻐💖
So pretty 💖
이렇게 재밌는영화 이제야 봤넹 ㅎㅎ
I've finally seen such a fun movie.
재밌어서 또 보고 싶다
I want to watch it again because it's fun.
넷플에 찾는중
Looking for it on Netflix.
기묘한이야기도 볼까 했는데
I was going to watch some weird stories.
드라마라 너무 많아
There are so many dramas.
많아도 잘 보는데
Even if there are a lot, I can watch it well.
멈출수없어서 문제얔ㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋ
It's a problem that I can't stop.
사실 체이지데이 보고 싶어
Actually, I want to see Chage Day.
근데 아직 안 나왔어ㅜ
But it hasn't come out yet.
미국올때 한번에 다 봤엌ㅋㅋ
I saw it all at once when I came to America.
체인지데이1도 봤었는데
I watched "Change Day 1".
2가 더 재밌는것같애
I think 2 is more fun.
보면서 내가 급햌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I was in a hurry while watching it.
체인지데이즈 맞아 😛
Change days is right 😛
2회밖에 안 남았는데
There are only two episodes left.
잘 풀렸으면 좋겠다
I hope it goes well.
결국 기존연인을 선택할건지 너무 궁금해~
I'm so curious if you'll end up choosing an existing lover.
환승연애도 재밌다고 들었지만 안봤슈
I heard transfer relationships are fun, but I didn't watch it.
환승연애는 무슨어플에 봐?
What application do you watch transfer relationships?
나 그래서 안 봤군 ㅋㅋ
That's why I didn't watch it lol
나 자주 보지 않아서
I don't see them often.
넷플도 가끔만 봐서
I only watch Netflix once in a while.
아 나 원래 10분자리로 영화 설명만 많이 봐서
I used to watch a lot of movie explanations for 10 minutes.
그래서 잘 안 본것같아 ㅎㅎ
So I don't think I watched it often.
너두?나두 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
You too? Me too. (Laughs)
오빛 귀여워
Orbit is cute.
서울에 비 그쳤나??
Did it stop raining in Seoul?
오 다행이당
Oh, that's a relief.
내일 또 와ㅜ?
Are you coming again tomorrow?
안 돼애애앵 무슨 일이야ㅜ
No way. What's going on?
내일 학교나 출근해야되나?
Do you have to go to school or work tomorrow?
출근해야한다면 조심해ㅠ
Be careful if you have to go to work.
내가 기도할게🌟
I'll pray for you 🌟
내일 봐~💖
See you tomorrow~💖
오빛~ 사랑해💖
Orbit, I love you. 💖
Good night 🌟
일기 쓰고 곧 준비하러 가~
I'm going to write my diary and get ready soon.
조식 아점으로 먹었어
I had breakfast for brunch.
스테이크 에그 먹었어 만족🥰
I ate steak eggs. I'm satisfied. 🥰
일기 가져왔는데 두번만 썼어 힛
I brought my diary, but I only wrote it twice.
쓰고 싶을때만 써^^
Use it only when you want to^^
일기 이미 한5권 보관중 ㅎ
I'm already keeping about 5 books in my diary.
It's amazing 🌟
일기는 이제 내 친구임❣️
Diary is now my friend ❣️
매일 쓰면 별 내용이 없어 ㅋㅋㅋ
If I use it every day, it doesn't have much content.
일기 쓰면 다 비슷한 내용이넹ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When I write a diary, it's all similar.(Laughs)