2022 08 06 2612
사진 잘 올라왔군 ㅋㅋ
The picture came up well.
여기 진짜 평화로워
It's so peaceful here.
날씨는 좀 흐리지만
It's a bit cloudy,
Not bad.
Denver thank you💖
Denver thank you💖
ㅎㅎ 날 기다렸슈!?
Did you wait for me?
방금 야식으로 충전하고 왔지롱
I just recharged myself for late night snacks.
말 안 해도 다 알겠지만ㅋㅋㅋ
I'm sure everyone knows even if I don't say it lol
윙 그냥 그렇고 순살은 맛있었어
Wing. It's just plain. Boneless was delicious.
감튀도 그냥그래
French fries aren't bad either.
윙이랑 감튀 더 좋아하는데
I like wings and french fries more.
방금꺼 맛은 그냥 그랬어
The one I just saw tasted just fine.
미국음식 잘 먹는데
I like American food.
치킨은 한국이 최고야 ㅎㅎ
For chicken, Korea is the best.
적응되면 다 먹어 ㅋㅋ
Eat it all when you get used to it lol
미국음식중 아직도 도넛 제일 맛있음
It is still the best donut among American food.
그때 애옹이랑 먹는 도넛 ㅋㅋ
Donuts that I eat with kitty then lol
나 기절직전이라
I'm about to faint.
먼저 잘게
I'm going to bed earlier.
부엉이 찾습니다
I'm looking for an owl.
부엉이오빛 많군 ㅎㅎ
There are a lot of owls.
부엉빛들 안 자고 뭐해유
Owl Light, why aren't you sleeping?
아 다들 주말 즐겁게 보내고 있군 ㅎㅎ
Ah, everyone is having a great weekend.
난 이동중
I'm on the move.
언닝 궁금해여,, 부엉이는 한국어로 어떤 소리를 내여??
예를 들어,,,
고양이 = 야옹
강아띠 = 멍
I'm curious, what kind of sound does an owl make? For example,,, Cat = Meow Puppy belt = bruise
Who wants to tell me? 🙋🏻♀️
내 생각은 부엉이> 악
I think owls > ack
The reason is
김부엉 항상 악!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Boo Boo! Always ack! (Laughs)
It's an owl?
이제 악으로 바꿀겡^^
I'm going to change it to evil now. ^^
by any chance
팹 자꾸 화면 튀긴사람🙋🏻♀️?
Fab, who keeps popping the screen? 🙋🏻♀️?
데이터 때문인가
Is it because of the data?
왜 난 자꾸 튕기지ㅜ
Why do I keep bouncing?
데이터 괜찮는뎅
The data is okay.
이러보니 나만 튕기나
Why am I the only one who's bouncing?