2022 07 17 2270
오빛도 수고했어유
Orbit, you did a great job.
넘 졸려서
I was so sleepy.
I'm going to sleep.
잠 온다잉
I'm getting sleepy.
Good night 🌟
Orbit! 💖
3차 다 맞았어!?
Did you get all three right?
나 어제 맞았는데
I got hit yesterday.
팔이 안 올라가ㅜㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I can't raise my arm.(Laughs)
진작 맞을걸 그랬당 잉
I should've gotten hit earlier.
팔빼고는 멀정🤓
I'm far from here except for my arm. 정
원래 4월에 맞으려구 했는데
I was going to get it in April.
확진되면 시간 좀 지나야 맞을수있다고해서 취소했어..
I canceled it because I heard it would take some time to get it if it was confirmed.
팔이 잃는느낌이 이런거구나ㅜ..ㅋㅋㅋ
This is how it feels to lose an arm.LOL
2차보다 아픈것같애🥶
I think it hurts more than the second round 🥶
보통 3일정도 가나
It usually takes about three days.
내 회복력 믿어 ㅋㅋㅋ
Trust my resilience lol
어제 맞고 나서
After getting hit yesterday,
확진때 생각이낰ㄱㅋㄱㅋㄲㅋ
It reminds me of the confirmed case.
확진때 진짜 죽고 말았어..
I really died when I was confirmed.
아침인지 저녁인지😵
Is it morning or evening 😵
타이레놀 먹어도 효과가 적었어ㅜ
Tylenol didn't have much effect.
거의 격리 끝날때쯤이야 좀 괜찮아졌어 ㅋㅋ
I feel better by the time the quarantine is almost over lol
그러지만 놀라게 밥은 잘 먹었어
But to my surprise, I ate well.
식욕이 강한편ㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋ
I tend to have a strong appetite lolololol
그때 맨날 녹두죽 맛있게 먹었엌ㅋㅋㅋ
I always ate mung bean porridge deliciously then lol
한국인의 밥심🌟
Korean's rice spirit 🌟
미국갈때 먹는거 뭘 챙길까!?
What should I pack when I go to America?
추천 받아유🌟
Take recommendations. 🌟
샤워기필터 처음 들어봐
I've never heard of a shower filter.
넘 신기한걸
It's so fascinating.
고구마말랭이 챙길까
Should I pack dried sweet potatoes?
고구마 킬러이니깤ㅋㅋㅋ
Because he's a sweet potato killer.
입 심심하지 않겤ㅋㅋㅋ
So that you don't feel bored.
오빛~ 또 올겡~
Orbit! I'll come back again!
너무 늦었져ㅜ
It's too late.
기다리지마구 졸리면 먼저 자유 또 올거니까💕
Don't wait. If you're sleepy, you'll be free again first. 💕
내가 또 올다고 했으니까
I said I'd come back.
와야지 ㅎㅎ
You have to come.
오늘도 길고 알찬 하루를 보냈엉 ㅎㅎ
I had a long and fruitful day today.
몸은 괜찮아유 ㅎㅎ
I'm fine.
약도 먹어서 좀 나아졌엉
I'm feeling better because I took some medicine.
걱정해줘서 고마워잉🌟
Thank you for worrying about me. 🌟
이제 오빛도 자야겠다
Orbit should go to sleep now.
벌써 1시반이넹
It's already 1:30pm.
꿈나라에 보쟈💙
Let's see each other in our dreams 💙
Good night. ❣️
I love you ❤️