2022 07 17 2258

와 육개장 한참에 내 최애라면였는데
Wow, Yukgaejang was my favorite ramen for a long time.

근데 나 그냥 외국은식 다 잘 먹어 ㅎㅎ
But I just eat all the foreign foods well.

요즘에 잘 안 먹어 라면
I don't eat ramen these days.

마지막때 신라면건면으로 먹었는데
At the end, I ate Shin Ramyun with dry noodles.

질렸나봐 ㅎ
I guess I'm sick of it.

아 생각났다
Oh, I remember.

내 최애라면
If it's my favorite...

If it's Indonesia!!

Is it Migorang?

한국라면은 찐짬뽕💖!!
Korean ramen is jjin jjamppong 💖!!

Knock, knock!

행밈 왔슈 ㅎ
A happy meme is here.


오빛이 왜 아직도 안 자유!!
Orbit, why aren't you free yet?

행님 기다렸나유!?
Did you wait for me?


오빛들은 야행성이구먼
Orbits are nocturnal.

안 자고 뭐해유
What are you doing not sleeping?

행님 지금 숙소로 날아가는중이유
I'm flying to the dorm right now, E:U.

밥은 든든하게 꽉 찬 한공기밥 먹었슈
I had a full bowl of rice.

내일 월요일 함께 화이팅💖
Fighting tomorrow Monday together 💖

숙소 도착하면 광속으로 30분컷 준비하고 자기 도전🌟 ㅋㅋ
When you arrive at the accommodation, prepare a 30-minute cut at light speed and try to sleep 🌟 lol

We're here.



Oh, my.

딱 30분인가
It's been exactly 30 minutes.

Success 🥳

머리도 다 말렸어^^
I dried my hair, too. 다

That was accurate. 😇

진짜 담에 25분도 기능할것같앸ㅋㅋㅋ
I think it's going to work for 25 minutes at a time.

근데 할게 많아서 ㅋㅋ
But I have a lot to do.

될지 모르겠다
I don't know if I can do it.

이제는 90도로 다리 올리기
Now, raise your legs to 90 degrees.

요즘에 자기전에 항상 하는 습관
A habit I always do before I go to bed.

한 10분만 하고 잘거야~~~~~~
I'm going to do it for 10 minutes and sleep.~~~~~

오빛도 해봐바
Orbit, try it.

What do you mean already?

이따 일찍 일어나야돼유
I have to wake up early later.

벽에 올려봐유
Put it on the wall.

90 좀 힘들면 120도 ㅋㅋ
90 degrees if it's a little hard lol

다리 올리면 다리에 피를 상체로 가서
If you raise your leg, the blood goes to your upper body.

다리의 피로는 줄여지고 가벼워져유
Your legs get less tired and lighter.

하루동안에 걸어서
on foot for a day

다리의 휴식시간🌟💖
Rest time for legs 🌟💖

편한자세로 해유 ㅋㅋ
Do it in a comfortable position.

다리는 몸보다 높으면 돼유
Your legs can be higher than your body.

담에 또 꿀팁 알려줄게유
I'll give you another tip next time.

수고했어유 오늘도~
You worked hard today, too.

Good night 🌟