2022 07 12 2172
방금 고앵이 찾아줬엉💖
The cat just found me. 💖
Small but certain happiness 💖
없어서 택배기사한테도 연락했는데
I called the delivery man because he wasn't there.
내일 찾아주신다고 해서
I heard you'll come tomorrow.
넘 착하시당
She's so nice.
호수가 잘 못 적어주셔서 딴데로 갔어 ㅋㅋㅋ
The lake didn't write it well, so I went somewhere else.
넘 다행이~
It's a relief.
그래서 기사님한테 감사하다고 찾았다 말했쥬
So I told the driver I found him.
고앵이 넘 좋아 ㅎㅎ
I love the cat lol
오늘도 어떤 고원이의 짤 봤는데
I saw GoWon's gif today, too.
You're so cute. 💖
오빛도 이런적이 많구나ㅜ
Orbit has done this a lot.
오예 노래부르고 있는짤😍
Oh yeah, the singing meme 😍
옛날숙소에도 배달 시키면
If you order food at the old dorm,
맨날 옆아파트로 가버려ㅠ
I always go to the next apartment.
그래서 가서 가져온적이 있는뎅ㅋㅋㅋ
So I went there and brought it.
다른 아파트인데
It's a different apartment.
It's stuck together.
근데 헷갈리기만 했어
But I was confused.
음식은 따뜻할때 제일 맛있어🤤
Food is best when it is warm. 🤤
특히 마라탕
Especially malatang.
나오고 국물 첫입에 크으으ㅡㅇ
Then, take a sip of the soup.
저 맛있게 먹고 싶어서
I wanted to eat it deliciously.
1단계로 먹어💖
Take it as step one. 💖
2단계는 먹을수있지만 근데 먹기 힘들고 속이 안 좋아ㅜ
I can eat level 2 but it's hard to eat and I don't feel good.
맞다 나 어제 썸패의 케이스 샘플은 봤는데
Right, I saw the case sample of Sompae yesterday.
활용성이 좋아 ㅎㅎ
It's very useful.
종이 박스 아니라서
It's not a paper box.
말해도 되나..ㅋ
Can I say this?(Laughs]
엥 왜 아는 오빛들 있지
Why do you know ORBIT?
벌써 사진 나왔나
Did the picture come out already?
주문하면 볼수있나?
Can I see it if I order it?
It came out.
미니 캐리어라
It's a mini-carrier.
짐 넣을수있어💖
I can put my stuff in 💖
이번에 수영이 상징색이라 버건디색의 캐리어양
Swimming is her signature color, so she's wearing a burgundy suitcases.
사이즈 정확히 모르는데
I don't know the exact size.
전에 그 종이박스 비슷한것같애
Looks like the paper box before.
그보다 조금 큰가!?
Is it a little bigger than that?
33 26 17이다 사이즈
It's 332617. Size.
구성품 나도 보고 싶다
I want to see the components, too.
오빛이 받았으면 그때 셀카 올려야지~
If ORBIT got it, I'll post a selfie then.
즐거운 금욜밤이였당
It was a fun Friday night.
놀라줘서 고마워💖 ㅎㅎ
Thank you for being surprised 💖 haha
주말 잘 보내유
Have a nice weekend.
앜ㅋㅋ 맞아 놀아! 놀라 말구🤓
Oh, right. Have fun! Don't be surprised 🤓
행복한 꿈을 꿔 오빛아🌟💖
Have a happy dream, Orbit 🌟💖
Good night 💙