2022 06 29 1896

오늘도 폭우가 쏟아졌네ㅜ
There was heavy rain again today.

날씨 많이 더웠나본다..
The weather must have been very hot.

It's July 1st.

오늘도 수고했어유💖
You did a great job today. 💖

덕분에 오늘 잘 보냈어용
Thanks to you, I had a good day today.

Second half start!! 🌟

잘 부탁해유💖
Nice to meet you. 💖

내일도 보자💫❣️
See you tomorrow too 💫❣️

Good night 🌛🌝🌜

Good morning 🌞

오늘 비 그쳐서 너무 좋넹 ㅎㅎ
It's so nice that it stopped raining today.

오빛만나러 준비완료🌟
I'm ready to meet ORBIT🌟

오늘하루도 잘 부탁해유💖
Please take care of me today. 💖

밥 먹고 와유
Go and eat.

나의 뮤뱅tmi
My "Music Bank" TMI.

모짜콘치즈에 빠졌다
I'm into mozzacon cheese.

원래 치즈랑 콘 좋아하긴하지만 ㅎㅎ
I usually like cheese and corn.

오늘 아침으로 먹을예정임🧀🧀🧀
I'm going to eat it for breakfast today 🧀🧀🧀

김밥 말고 모짜치즈랑 옥수수만 있슈
Not gimbap, but mozzarella cheese and corn.

하루의 아침 맛있는 음식으로 시작🧀🤤
Start the day with delicious food 🧀🤤

오빛이도 오늘 화이팅🏋🏻‍♀️💙
ORBIT, fighting today! 🏋🏻♀️💙

사녹 응원해줘서 수고했슈💖
Thank you for cheering for the pre-recording. 💖

아직 밥 안 먹었으면 빨리 먹으러 가유~
If you didn't eat yet, hurry up and go eat.

Bibimbap recommendation 🥰

나 아직 안 배고파서
I'm not hungry yet.

좀 이따 생방전에 먹으려구~
I'm going to eat it later on.

아점은 먹었지롱
I had brunch.

아침에 말했던 모짜콘치즈🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀
Mozzacon cheese that I told you this morning. 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀

It was delicious. 👍🏻

저번주에 먹고 맛있어서 오늘 올때 또 먹어야지 이랬엏ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
I ate it last week and it was delicious, so I said I'll eat it again when I come today.

아 먹기전에 사진 찍고 보여줄걸 잉
I should've taken a picture and shown it to you before I ate it.

김밥 아냐! 그냥 모짜치즈랑 옥수수랑 콩이유
It's not kimbap! It's just mozza cheese, corn, and beans.

이거랑 고기랑 같이 먹었엉 ㅎㅎ
I ate this with meat.

사진 찾아서 보여줄겡 ㅎㅎ
I'll find a picture and show it to you.

Pork neck!

오늘도 지우가 사진이 예쁘게 찍어줬엉
Jiwoo took a pretty picture today, too.

이따 올릴겡
I'll upload it later.