2022 06 28 1879
역시 오빛 짱이야💖
ORBIT is the best. 💖
1위 해줘서 고마우어어엉❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for winning first place. ❤️❤️❤️
오늘 응원법 소리 진짜 크고 잘 들어서 더 힘이 난것같애유💫💫💫
Today's fan chant was really loud and I heard it well, so I think I gained more strength. 💫💫💫
라디오까지 와줘서 오늘 하루도 수고했엉 오빛아앙
Thank you for coming to the radio. Good job well done, ORBIT.
둘 째주활동도 같이 재밌게 해유~🌟
Let's have fun during the second week of promotions, too!🌟
오빛도 빨리 자유~~~
Orbit, hurry up and be free!
나도 가서 씻고 잘겡 ㅎㅎ
I'm going to go wash up and sleep, too.
내일 아침보자❣️
See you tomorrow morning ❣️
피곤하고 얼마 못 자겠지만 올때 조심히와유💖
You must be tired and not be able to sleep much, but come safely when you come.💖
아침이라 추워서 겉옷 챙기고 우산도!!
It's cold because it's morning, so bring your jacket and umbrella!
혹시 모르니까 ㅎㅎ
Just in case lol
비 오는날 더 조심해야쥬 ㅎㅎ
I should be more careful on rainy days.
아침에 신나게 놀자자자ㅏㅏㅏ
Let's have fun in the morning.
|| That'split|
Good night 🌟💙
비 너무 많이 오네ㅠ
It's raining too much.
조심히 안전하게 와영❗️
Be careful and safe. Wow. ❗️
헐랭 다 도착했그낭
Wow, we're almost there.
우리도 금방 갈게용!!
We'll be right there!
넹 지금 가고 있어요~
Yes, I'm on my way.
너무 일찍 해서 오빛도 별로 못 자겠네ㅜ
Orbit can't sleep much because it's too early.
잘 쉬고 있어요 이따 봐유💖
I'm resting well. See you later. 💖