2022 06 08 1552
진짜 알차게 놀랐어요
I was really surprised.
근데 그때 머리 부딪혀서 혹이 생겼어요ㅜㅎ
But I hit my head and got a bump.ㅎh
디즈니랜드는 홍콩만 가봤어요
I've only been to Hong Kong.
한국도 생기나?
Is there a new one in Korea?
아 머리는 그 제일 무섭고 빠른 기구 탈때
Ah, my hair is the scariest and fastest ride.
너무 쑥 내려가서 머리 힘이 안 돼서 확 뒤로 부딪혔어요🫠
It went down so fast that I couldn't get enough energy from my hair, so I bumped into the back.🫠
티익스프레스 맞아요
T-Express is right.
출발때 긴장했는데
I was nervous at the start.
머리 부딪히니까 아파서
It hurt when I hit my head.
안 무서워지더라구여..ㅋ
I didn't get scared.(Laughs]
정신만 없고 익스프레스 진짜 너무 빠르고 힘이 쎄요..
It's hectic and the Express is really fast and powerful.
탐탐탐 이후로 두번째 에버랜드였어요 ㅎㅎ
It was my second ever since Tom Tom Tom Tom. Haha
탐탐탐 이제 코로나 좋아지면 가지 않을까요~
I think I'll go when COVID-19 gets better.
그날 진짜 사람 대박 많았어요
There were so many people that day.
가기 전에 사진으로 봤는데
I saw a picture before I left.
사람구경만 할수있는것처럼 생겼어욬ㅋㅋ
It looks like you can only watch people lol
학생분들이 많이 왔더라구요
There were a lot of students.
그래도 거의 다 탄것같애욬ㅋㅋ
But I think it's almost burnt.
다음에는 가는 날짜 잘 골라야겠어요 ㅎㅎ
I'll have to pick the right date next time. Haha
다들 체력 좋아서 문닫을때까지 탔는데
Everyone was so energetic that we rode until the door closed.
저는 한8시때쯤 힘들어서 앉아서 먹기만 했어욬ㅋㅋ
I was tired around 8 o'clock, so I just sat down and ate. LOL
놀이공원 가는데 처음으로 문 닫을때까지 놀랐어욬ㅋㅋ
I was going to an amusement park, and I was surprised until it closed for the first time.
회전목마 타고 싶은데
I want to ride a merry-go-round.
까먹고 안 탔어요 ㅎ
I forgot to ride it.
그날 장미축제 첫날이라서
It was the first day of the rose festival.
꽂구경도 좋았어요 완전 예뻐💖
I liked the view of course. So pretty 💖
퍼레이드는 안 봤어요
I didn't watch the parade.
놀이기구 타러 가야돼서 ㅎㅎ
I have to go on a ride.
츄러스 진짜 맛있어용 와
Churros are really good. Wow.
오늘 하루 수고했어요💖
You did a great job today.💖
That's right.
연습 끝나고 퇴근중
I'm on my way home after practice.
밥은 연습전에 든든하게 먹었어요 ㅎㅎ
I had a hearty meal before practice. Haha
좀 늦게 먹어서
I ate a bit late.
Around 8 o'clock.
그래서 아직 안 배고파요 ㅎㅎ
So I'm not hungry yet.
이따 곧 티저 나오겠죠
The teaser will come out soon.
I'm looking forward to look forward to it
컨셉 아직 하나 밖에 안 나오지만
There's only one concept yet.
다 나오면 내가 어떤거 제일 좋아하는지 맞춰봐요><ㅎㅎ
Guess what I like the most when it comes out.><ㅎㅎ<
아 컨셉 비슷하는데 의상 다른게 있어서 ㅎㅎ
Oh, the concept is similar, but there are different outfits.
ㅎㅎ 삐퀴즈🌟
LOL Beep quiz 🌟
거꾸로 나오니까 며칠 더 기다려야겠당~
It's coming out backwards, so I'll wait a few more days.
편지 기능 생겼는데
There's a letter function.
신기하당 이게 더 잘 보인것같애요
It's amazing. I think this is better.
아니 근데 사진 아직 하나 밖에 안 나왔는데
No, but there's only one picture yet.
벌써 맞추면 어떡햌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Why did you get it already?(Laughs)
오빛아 이따 티저보고 꿀잠자세용💖
Orbit, watch the teaser later and have a good night's sleep pose. 💖