2022 05 14 1239

Good morning, Orbit🌟

잘 잤어용!?ㅎㅎ
Did you sleep well?

전 방금 끝나서 숙소가는중요
It's important to go back to the dorm.

다들 일찍 일어나네용~
Everyone wakes up early.

날씨 좋더라💖
The weather was nice. 💖

아침 먹고 잘까 그냥 잘까 고민중이여서
I'm thinking about whether to eat breakfast or just sleep.

오빛이는 아침 먹었어요~?
Orbit, did you eat breakfast?

다들 건강하게 과일먹었넹👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Everyone ate fruits healthy. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

그럼 나도 가볍게 바나나 먹고 자겠엉ㅎㅎ
Then I'll eat a banana and go to sleep.

날씨 좋으니까 기분도 좋아앙ㅇ
I feel good because the weather is nice.

휴 지금 자면 오늘밤에 언제 자지..이따 몇시에 일어나야되지..ㅎ
Phew, if you sleep now, when will you sleep tonight?What time do I have to wake up later?Hah!

패턴 바꾸면 안 되는뎅
You can't change the pattern.

짧게 자고 밤에 자야겠다><
I should sleep for a short time and sleep at night.><

나 사실 이미지만 건강햌ㅋㅋㅋ
My image is actually healthy.

나도 치킨피자 다 먹는다구요!!
I eat all the chicken pizza, too!

Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol.

맞앙ㅎㅎ 건강한거도 좋아해해해해ㅐㅐㅐ💖
That's right. I like healthy things, too. Please understand. 💖

어제 오래만에 한시간 러닝머신 했어😌
Yesterday, I ran on the treadmill for an hour after a long time 😌

열나서 얼굴 엄청 빨개졌엉
My face turned red because of the fever.

걷고 뛰고 걷고..
Walk, run, walk...

오랜만에 해서 좋더라
It was nice to do it after a long time.

딱 운동하고 씻고
I worked out and took a shower.

그 시원한느낌~
That refreshing feeling.

맞앙ㅋㅋㅋ 운동가기전에 제일 힘들고
That's right. LOL It's the hardest before going to exercise.

하고 나면 뿌듯하고 좋아💖
I feel proud and happy after I do it. 💖

나 한시간하고 내릴때 구름위에 떠있는 기분이였엌ㄱㄲㅋ
I felt like I was floating on the clouds when I got off after an hour.

다리 너무 가벼워섴ㄱㅋㅋㅋ
My legs are so light lol

역시 사람은 다 똑같앸ㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋ
As expected, people are all the same. Lol, LOL.

오빛아~ 오늘 하루도 웃으면서 보내용🥰❤️
Orbit, spend your day smiling 🥰❤️