2022 05 11 1201

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

츄구리 맞앙💖
Chuguri is right. 💖

진솔이가 김치도 같이 먹어야된다구
JinSoul needs to eat kimchi too.District

또 다시 가서 사왔엉 ㅎㅎ
I went and bought it again.

우리 가위바위보 해서 진사람 기다리고 두명 사러 갔거든
We played rock-paper-scissors and the loser waited and went to buy two.

그래서 진솔이랑 사러 갔는데
So I went to buy it with JinSoul.

라면 기계 처음으로 써봐서
It's my first time using a ramen machine.

계속 바코드가 안 되는거야ㅠ
The bar code didn't work all the bar code didn't work.

라면봉지 바코드로 찍었는데
I used the bar code for the ramen bag.

옆에 착한 친구가 친절하게 알려줬얶ㅋㄱㅋ
A good friend next to me kindly taught me lol.

용기바코드로 찍어야된다궄ㅋㅋ
You have to film it with a container bar code.(Laughing)

그래서 드뎌 성공했엉ㅋㄱㅋㅋ
So I finally succeeded.

근데 그 날 좀 추워서 라면하고 가져갔는데
But it was a bit cold that day, so I took ramen with me.

벌써 식었어ㅜ
It's already cold.

그래도 맛있었엉
But it was delicious.

소문만 듣던 나의 첫 한강라면🥰
My first Han River ramen that I've only heard rumors about 🥰

이제 여름에 한강 사람 엄청 많아지겠다
There will be a lot of people at Han River in the summer.

여름 오니 좋아 근데 덥지 않았으면 좋겠다 ㅎㅎ
It's nice that summer is here, but I hope it's not hot. Haha

나 한강 오늘도 잠깐 갔다왔어 ㅎㅎ
I went to Han River for a while today.

산책만 하고 왔어
I just took a walk.

나 내일 일찍 일어나야되서
I have to get up early tomorrow.

자러 갈겡☺️
I'm going to sleep ☺️

Good night 💕💕💕

예쁜 꿈 꿔유💖
Sweet dreams 💖