2022 04 30 1032
오늘 5월2일이구나
Today is May 2nd.
마스크 이제 안전감인데 ㅋㅋ
The mask is safe now.
못 벗으것같애 적응되기전에는 ㅋ
I don't think I can take it off before I get used to it lol
의무 해제이지만 이미 몸에 달았엌ㅋㅋ
I'm relieved of my obligation, but I've already put it on my body lol
다들 적응시간이 필요해 ㅎㅎ
Everyone needs time to adjust.
근데 실내는 써야죠?
But I have to use it indoors, right?
아 그럼 좀 헷갈리넹
Oh, that's confusing.
벗다가 깜박하면
If I forget to take it off,
실내는 언제 해제하지
When are we going to release the interior?
근데 날씨 더워지면
But when the weather gets hot,
자연스럽게 벗을것같앸ㅋㅋ
I think I'll take it off naturally.
와 오늘 확진자2만명이네
Wow, there are 20,000 confirmed cases today.
신기해 적으면서도 많아..
It's fascinating. There are a lot of things while writing it down.
마스크해제해도 다들 조심해유~!!
Even if you take off your mask, be careful!
혹시 모르니까
Just in case.
인생네컷 나왔넹
Four cuts of my life came out.
넘 행복하게 찍었어요ㅜ❤️
I was so happy when I filmed it.❤️
오빛 미안..
Orbit, I'm sorry.
나 어릴때 사진
My childhood picture.
지금 없어요ㅜ..
I don't have it now.
Children's Day
Thank you.
홍콩집에 찾아볼게요 ㅎㅎ
I'll look for it at a Hong Kong restaurant. Haha
저 퀸덤 오늘 본방 못 봤어요ㅜ
I didn't watch "Queendom" today.ㅜ
오빛이는 봤쥬💕?
Orbit, did you see it? 💕
재방도 하니까
It's going to be rerun, too.
이따 봐야겠다 잠 안 들면 ㅎㅎ
I'll watch it later if I don't fall asleep lol
멤버들 너무 예쁘고 멋있어요🥰
The members are so pretty and cool.🥰
오늘 뭐했어슈~?
What did you do today?
나 오늘 운동하러갔는데
I went to work out today.
우연히 예림이랑 마주췄어용ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I bumped into Yerim by chance.(Laughs)
같이 가기로 한거 아닌데
We weren't supposed to go together.
나 오늘 런닝 해야지 그러고 러닝머신 하러 갔는데
I thought I should run today and went to the treadmill.
안에 누가 요가매트에 누워서 운동하고 있는거에요
There's someone inside lying on a yoga mat working out.
그래서 좀 조심스럽게 들어갔는데
So I went in very carefully.
It was Yerim.
여기에 마주칠리갘ㄱㅋㄱㅋ
We'll bump into each other here. Lol.
넘 신기했엉
It was so cool.
그래서 운동하고 같이 밥 먹었어용~
So we worked out and ate together.
아니 모른사람이면 좀 어색하니까 머쓱하면서 들어갔죠 ㅎㅎ
If you don't know me, it's a bit awkward, so I was embarrassed and went in. Haha
사람 없는줄 알았거든요 힣ㅎㅎ
I thought there were no people.
운동하고 밥 먹으니까 더 맛있었어요~
It was more delicious because I worked out and ate.
같이 오랜만에 타이음식 먹었어용
We ate Thai food together after a long time.
모닝글러리랑 고기랑 팟타이🤤💕
Morning glory, meat and pad thai 🤤💕
저 모닝글러리 진짜 좋아해해해해ㅐㅎ요!
I really like morning glories!
오빛들도 먹어봐여
Orbit, try it.
ㅎㅎㅎ오빛 저 오늘도 일찍 자볼게용❤️
Haha. Orbit, I'll go to bed early again today. ❤️
아 모닝글러리는 공심채에요!!
Ah, the morning glory is Gongsimchae!
그럼 안녕 👋🏻 🫶🏻🫰🏻❤️🔥좋은밤되세요~
Then bye 👋🏻 🏻 🏻❤️🔥 좋은 Have a good night~