2022 04 13 777
나도 같이 하면서 좋은 식당 공유해줄겡 ㅋㅋ
I'll share a good restaurant with you.
다 맞지 않겠지만ㅋㅋ
It won't fit all of them all of them
요즘 운동 잘 안해요ㅜ
I don't work out these days.ㅜ
가볍게 산책정도?
Just a walk?
나두 오늘 올리는 사진보니
Looking at the picture I'm posting today,
많이 먹었구나 싶었엌ㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋ
I thought I ate a lot. LOL
운동 다시 시작하면 꾸준히 하고 싶어서
When I start working out again, I want to do it consistently.
마음 준비를 필요행 ㅎ
I need to prepare my mind.
같이 화이팅하쟈🌟
Let's cheer up together 🌟
맛있게 먹구
Enjoy your meal.
따뜻하게 입구
a warm entrance
난 밥 먹어야겠엉 ㅋㅋ
I'm going to eat.
Oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo.
Light, light, light.
Are you watching?
나도 보고 있어어어어엉
I'm watching it too.
Oh, my.
What do you mean, are you drinking?
안 마셨어요
I didn't drink it.
다들 본방사수 잘하고 있넹ㅋㅋㅋ
You're all doing a good job of watching it live.
그럼 보고
Then I'll look at it.
광고할때 올겡^^
I'll be back when I advertise. ^^
Advertising time.
오늘 무대 나오려나
Will it come out today?
광고타임 짧넼ㅋㅋ
The advertising time is short.
티비앞에서 응원해주세열
Please cheer for me in front of the TV.
나도 긴장돼 ㅋㅋ
I'm nervous too lol
in a little while
다시 올게유~
I'll be back.
나 여진방로 왔어
I came to Yeojin's room.
같이 보는중~
We're watching it together.
와아 끝났어
Wow, it's over.
넘 긴장했었어
I was so nervous.
쿠키영상 깜놀ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Cookie video surprised me.(Laughs)
잘 봤엉???
Did you enjoy it?
이런컨셉진짜 처음이였어
I've never had a concept like this before.
It was fun.
쪼 일주일 기다려야되넹
I have to wait a week.
나도 빨리 영강 보고싶당
I can't wait to watch the lecture.
고마우어ㅜ 오빕비비비ㅣ빛
Gomaour오 Obibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibit
내일 일어나서 바로 영상 봐야겠당
I'll watch the video as soon as I wake up tomorrow.
오빛 오늘도 고생많았엉
ORBIT, you did a great job today.
푹쉬고 내일 봐열~
Rest well and see you tomorrow.
굿밤 보내~
Have a good night.