2022 04 07 709
벚꽃 보러 갔는데
I went to see cherry blossoms.
사람 진짜 진짜 진짜 진짜
People are really really really...
대박 많아요
There are so many.
거의 막혀있어가지고 걷기도 어려웠어요
It was almost blocked, so it was hard to walk.
벗꽃도 점점 지기 시작한 거 같아요
I think the cherry blossoms are starting to fall.
잠실 쪽으로 갔는데 진짜 와
I went to Jamsil, and it was really...
사람 너무 많아서 기 빨렸어요 ㅋㅋㅋ
I was out of energy because there were so many people. LOL
진짜 빨라졌죠ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ
It got really fast, right?
벚꽃 못 본 줄 알았는데
I thought you didn't see cherry blossoms.
오늘 지우랑 갔다 와서 다행이다
It's a relief that I went with Jiwoo today.
사진 좀 찍었는데
I took some pictures.
많이는 못 찍었어요
I didn't take a lot of pictures.
사람 많아 가지구
There are a lot of people.
그래도 벚꽃 너무 예뻤어요
But the cherry blossoms were so pretty.
롯데월드도 보고
I watched Lotte World.
하하 하 하 하 하
Hahaha. Hahaha.
돈까스 냉면 너무 맛있어요
Pork cutlet cold noodles are so good.
지우가 추천 맛집
Jiwoo recommends good restaurants.
배터지게 먹었어요
I ate a lot.
오늘 먹는 돈까스 신기했어요
The pork cutlet I'm eating today was amazing.
고구마무스랑 깻잎 들어가 있어요
Sweet potato mousse and perilla leaf.
오비 밥 뭐 먹었어요
What did you eat?
오빛은 인식 잘 안 되네요 유유
Orbit doesn't recognize it. Crying
맞아요 유유 쓰고 싶은데 안 나와 가주고 유유만 나왔어요 ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
That's right. I wanted to write "crying" but it didn't come out. Only "crying" came out. LOL. LOL.
아지 안 먹었으면 냉면 추천 해요
If you didn't eat Aji, I recommend cold noodles.
이런 좋은 기능 잘 활용 해야죠ㅎㅎ ㅎㅎ ㅎㅎ
I need to make good use of these functions.Hehehehehehehehe
비냉 물냉
Non-cooled cold noodles.
뭐가 더 좋아해요 Orbit
Which one do you like more? Orbit.
대바 오비 영어로 인식 됐어요
It was recognized in English.
저는 완전 물냉
It's totally mulnaengmyeon.
둘 다 먹는데 근데 항상 물냉 먹어요
I eat both, but I always eat cold noodles.
고기랑 같이
With meat.
너무 맛있어요
It's so delicious.
저는 물냉 먹을 때 소스 거의 안 넣은 것 같아요
I don't think I put in much sauce when I eat cold noodles.
국물도 한 입 정도는 먹는 거 같애요
I think I eat at least one bite of the soup.
냉면 맛집 있으면 추천 해줘요
If there's a good naengmyeon restaurant, please recommend it.
국물있는 수프만 먹어요
I only eat soup with soup.
집에서 엄마가 수프 많이 해 주거든요
My mom makes me a lot of soup at home.
그럼 항상 수프 한 공기 먼저 다 먹고
I always finish a bowl of soup first.
다음에 밥 먹어요ㅋㅋ
Let's eat next time.lol
엄마가 요리 완전 잘 하거든요
My mom is really good at cooking.
그래서 내가 왜 맨날 혼자 해 먹는지 엄마의 이유도 있는 거 같애요
So I think there's a reason why I always cook alone.
물론 내가 만든 거 엄마가 만든 거라 완전 다르지만
Of course, it's totally different because my mom made it.
근데 제가 만든 것도 나쁘지 않아요
But the one I made isn't bad either.
나중에 오빛한테도 만들어 줄게요
I'll make it for ORBIT later.
맛있지만 건강한 맛 맞아요ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ
It's delicious but healthy.lololololol.
오비들이랑 같이 건강하기 ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ
Stay healthy with obi lol
오빛 또 놀러올겡
Orbit, I'll come back again.
Bye Bye