2022 04 04 647

오늘 회사가는길에 벚꽃 조금 봤어요
I saw some cherry blossoms on my way to work today.

오빛도 봤어요?
Orbit, did you see it?

아직 안 핀줄 알았는뎅
I thought it didn't bloom yet.

이미 폈구낭
It's already opened.

벚꽃 보고싶당
I want to see cherry blossoms.

다들 벚꽃구경 보통 어디로 가영?
Where do you usually go to see cherry blossoms?

나도 가야겠다 ㅎㅎ
I should go too haha

오빛 안녕~
Orbit, hello!


오늘 날씨 완전 따뜻하네용
It's really warm today.

다들 밥먹고 출근했나용?
Did you all eat and go to work?

오늘 좀 잘 잤어욯ㅎㅎ 일어나서 치즈계란찜도 먹구~
I slept well today. I woke up and ate steamed eggs with cheese.

날씨 좋으니까 뭐가 놀러 가고 싶넹ㅋㅋㅋ
Since the weather is nice, I want to go somewhere to play.

ㅋㅋ좋아요 오빛이랑 같이 놀러 가고 싶어유
Lol okay I want to go play with Orbit

Cherry blossom viewing!

여의도 유명한다구 많이 들었는데
I heard Yeouido is famous a lot.

아직 한번도 안 가봤어요
I haven't been there yet.

사람 엄청 많을것같네용
I think there's going to be a lot of people.Dragon

봄노래 좀 추천해주세열~
Please recommend a spring song.

봄이 되어줄게 들어야지~
I'll be the spring for you. I'm going to listen to it.

그리고 봄꽃
And spring flowers.

나의 봄노래 추천~
My spring song recommendation.

나의 봄에게-오마이걸🌸💕
To My Spring - OH MY GIRL 🌸💕

ㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋ 그전에 당연히 봄꽃이랑 봄이 되어줄게도 같이 들어야죠❤️
Lol, Lol, Lol. Before that, of course, we need to listen to "Spring Flower"❤️

오늘의 점메추!
Today's lunch menu recommendation!


Soybean paste stew 😍

어제 맛있게 먹었거든욬ㅋㅋㅋ
I ate it deliciously yesterday. LOL

맛있게 먹어용🥰
Enjoy your meal 🥰
