2022 03 21 512
오빛 봤어요
I saw Orbit.
Opening performance.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ저도 방금 보고 왔어여
(Laughs)I just saw it, too.
뜨니까 두근두근했어요 ㅎㅎ
My heart was pounding when it came up. Haha
첫방도 얼마 안 남았는데
Our first performance is coming up soon.
두근 경연때 오는 오빛 있나요? ㅎㅎ
Is there an ORBIT that comes to the heart race? Haha
볼수있으면 좋겠네용
I wish I could see you.
못 와도 본방사수해유💖
Even if you can't come, please watch it live. 💖
저 한번 더 보러 갈게요 ㅎㅎ
I'll go watch it one more time. Haha
오빛들도 같이 커피 마시면서 봐요~
ORBIT, let's watch it while drinking coffee.
On my way home!
다들 아직 잘 시간 아니구먼 ㅎㅎ
It's not time for everyone to go to bed yet.
오빛도 오늘 고생했어요~
ORBIT, you worked hard today, too.
맞아요 내일 일찍 나가야해유
That's right. I have to leave early tomorrow.
이제 숙소 도착해서
I arrived at the dorm.
야식 먹고 싶기도 하고 ㅎ
I want to eat a late night snack.
근데 빨리 씻고 자야지 ㅎ
But I'm going to wash up and sleep.
요즘에 잠 많아져서
I sleep a lot these days.
안 먹고 잘래요 ㅎㅎ
I'm not going to eat and sleep.
공복 자는게 더 잘 자긴하죠..ㅎ
It's better to sleep on an empty stomach.Hah!
저 잘준비 하러 갈게요
I'm going to go get ready to sleep.
좋은 밤 되세요~💖
Have a good night.~💖