2022 03 17 458

만약에 머리 또 염색하면 무슨색이 좋을까요~?
If I dye my hair again, what color would be good?

저는 투톤도 해보고 싶당
I want to try two-tone.

백금도 괜찮다 생각해보니까 한적이 없넹
Platinum is good too. Come to think of it, I've never done it.

핑크도 좋죠💖
Pink is good, too. 💖

고민되네요 ㅎㅎ
I'm worried.

사실 지금 흑발도 너무 좋은데 다음에 뭘 할지 미리 생각해놔야겠다 ㅎㅎ
I like black hair right now, but I should think about what to do next. Haha

오빛 지금 뭐해용
Orbit, what are you doing?

오늘밤에 비 온다고 해서 우산 잘챙겨요
I heard it's going to rain tonight, so make sure to take an umbrella.

저 방금 저녁 먹었어요
I just had dinner.

오빛도 빨리 밥 먹어유
Orbit, hurry up and eat.

ㅋㅋㅋ 그쵸 비올때 비의목소리 들어줘야죠
LOL. That's right. You have to listen to Rain's voice when it rains.

저는 녹두죽 먹었어요
I had mung bean porridge.

오빛의 저메추는 음.. 떡볶이요
Orbit's dinner recommendation is, um... It's tteokbokki.

격리할때 처음으로 녹두죽 먹었는데 맛있고 생각이 나서 오늘도 먹었쥬 ㅎㅎ
I ate mung bean porridge for the first time in quarantine, but I ate it again today because it was delicious and thought of it.

날씨 따뜻하다가 또 추워지니까 감기조심해여
Be careful not to catch a cold because the weather is warm and cold again.

나갈때 꼭 우산 챙기고
Make sure to bring an umbrella when you go out.

곁옷도 같이
With the side clothes, too.

알겠어요~ 고마워요 오빛💖
Okay. Thank you. Orbit 💖