2022 03 09 381

저 방금 회사 오고 밥 먹었어요 ㅎㅎ
I just came to the company and ate. Haha

저 회사오면 항상 목살슈퍼보울 먹는것같애요 ㅎ
I think I always eat pork neck super bowl when I come to the company.


Did you get off work!?

저도 퇴근하고 있어요 ㅎㅎ
I'm on my way home, too. Haha

숙소 가서 밥해먹고
I went to the dorm and cooked.

브이앱 킬려구요 ㅎㅎ
I'm going to turn on Vapp lol

어제 마트 갔다와서 야채볶음이랑 밥 먹으려구요
I am going to eat stir-fried vegetables and rice after going to the mart yesterday.

시간이 되면 저랑 놀아용😇
If you have time, play with me😇

ㅋㅋㅋ오빛들 진짜 소식통인것같아서 뭐든 다 빨리 알고 있네요 여진이가 말했죸ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
LOL. ORBIT seems to be a real source, so they know everything quickly. Yeojin said it.

앜ㄱㅋㅋ여진이가 실시간으로 말했더라구요
Yeojin said it in real time.

같이 마트 갔다왔어요
We went to the mart together.

혜주가 끝나는시간보고 킬게요~
I'll turn it on after seeing when Hyejoo finishes.

이따 봐용~💖
See you later! 💖