2022 09 23 3173
"구름이 생각"
"Thinking about Gureumi."
"혜주는 ,, 어,, 일상이 지칠 땐 어떤 생각하면서 이겨내? 요즘 일이 너무 힘들당 ,, 내가 잘 하고 잇는지 모르겟어 사실 ••• "
"Hyejoo, what do you think when you're tired of your daily life? My work is so hard these days, I don't know if I'm doing well, actually •••"
나도 아직 얼마 안 살아봐서 모르겠지만,,, 일상에서 소소하고 가까운 행복을 찾아
I don't know because I haven't lived for a long time yet, but I find small and close happiness in my daily life.
잘하고 있을 거야 다들
I'm sure you're all doing well.
내 소소한 행복?
My small happiness?
산책도 좋아하고
I like to take a walk.
맛있고 적당한 양의 음식을 먹었을 때도 행복하고
I'm happy when I eat the right amount of delicious food.
적당한 양이 뭐냐고?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
What's the right amount?(Laughs)
과식 안 하고 기분 나쁘지 않을 만큼 먹는 거
Don't overeat and eat as much as you don't feel bad.
너무 적게 먹어도 안 돼
You can't eat too little.
"혜쥬야 입술은 좀 어때?"
"Hyejoo, how are your lips?"
오늘 약 받아왔어
I got some medicine today.
연고는 물집 없을 때 빨리 발라야 효과 있고
You have to apply it quickly when you don't have blisters.
이미 물집 났을 땐 약 먹는 게 빨리 나아
It's better to take medicine when you have blisters.
근데 입술이라기보단 입술 밑에
But more than calling it lips, under the lips...
바로 밑에 나서
right underneath
It's a relief.
너무 걱정 마
Don't worry too much.
자주 봐서 친근함
Friendly because we see each other often.
요즘 왤케 앞머리 자르고 싶지
Why do I want to cut my bangs these days?
고원언니 앞머리 자른 거 예쁘지
Go Won's bangs are pretty.
있으면 관리하기 귀찮긴한데
It's annoying to take care of it if it's there.
투표함 올려볼까
Should I put it on the ballot box?
결과가 정해진다고 이행되는 건 아님
Just because the result is decided doesn't mean it's fulfilled.
어차피 내가 하고 싶은 대로 할 거고
I'm going to do whatever I want.
그냥 궁금해서
I'm just curious.
ㄱ ㄱ
"아이폰 업뎃 안했어?? 업뎃하명 ㄱㄱ 이거 띄어쓰기 안해고 걍 ㄱㄱ로 쳐져"
"Didn't you update your iPhone? Updated name, go, go. It doesn't have spaces. It's just G, G."
아이폰 업데이트 아직 안 했는데
I haven't updated my iPhone yet.
안 되네
It's not working.
오늘 잘 때 해야겠다
I should do it when I go to bed.
자르란 쪽이 많네
There are a lot of people telling me to cut it.
근데 공지는
But the announcement...
이 게시물에서만 보이는 거지?
You can only see it in this post, right?
이거 드립이야
That's a joke.
Laughing out of laughter.
내일 머리 뭐하지
What's my hair for tomorrow's hair?
투표 올림
a vote.
ㄱ ㄱ
공지 밑에 있어
It's under the notice.
웨이브가 많네
There are a lot of waves.
"웻헤어 ㄱㄱ"
"Wet hair, go go!"
Fan signing event?
너무 강렬한데
It's too strong.
머리 감기 힘들어서 탈락입니다
You're out because it's hard to wash your hair.
투표 결과는 웨이브 당선입니다
The result of the vote was elected.
아침에 일어나서 끌리는 머리로 하죠
I'll do the hairstyle that I like when I wake up in the morning.
암튼 내일 봅세
Anyway, see you tomorrow.