2022 08 15 2763

이쯤이면 일어난 사람도 있겠지
I'm sure some of you are up now.

아마 출근..?등교...?
Probably going to work...?Going to school...?

밤샌 사람이 더 많은 현상
the phenomenon of more people staying up all night

여기는 오후 다섯시
It's 5pm here.

낮에 호텔 도착해서 쉬고 있어
I arrived at the hotel during the day and am resting.

점심은 컵라면 먹었슴
I had cup noodles for lunch.

언니들이 한식집 가서 맛있다고 사진 보내더라
They sent me a picture saying it's delicious at a Korean restaurant.

나는 거의 호텔에서 안 나가는 편
I rarely leave the hotel.

외국 나왔다고 한국에서랑 다르게 살진 않더라고
I don't live differently than I did in Korea because I came overseas.

혜주언니 투어하면서 먹었던 것중에 제일 맛있었던 거 궁금타!!! 맛잘알언니의 픽

ㄴ 음
I'm curious about the most delicious thing you ate during Hyejoo's tour. It's her pick.

b well

샌프란시스코에서 공연할 때 도시락으로 김치제육 나왔었는데 그게 제일 맛있었던 것 같아
When we performed in San Francisco, we had Kimchi Stir-fried Pork as a lunch box. I think that was the best.

근데 내일도 제육 나온다해서
But they said the spicy pork is coming out tomorrow, too.

나 기대 중
I'm looking forward to it.

제발 안 짰으면 좋겠다
I hope it's not salty.

내가 엄청 짜게 먹는 편이 아니라 그런가 좀 짜게 느껴지긴 해
Maybe it's because I don't eat salty food, but it does feel salty.

근데 나 제육 좀 좋아해
But I like spicy pork.

앞으로 도시락 다 제육만 나와도 난 괜찮아
From now on, I'm okay if all the lunch boxes come out.

근데 어제 진짜 오빛들 많이 와서 신기했다
It was amazing that so many ORBIT came yesterday.

공연하면서도 감사하고 뿌듯한 마음이
I was so thankful and proud while performing.

많이 들었어
I heard it a lot.

이제 중반까지 왔는데 남은 공연도
We're in the middle of our concert, but for the rest of the concert,

You have to do well.

제육....... 배신당했다
Jeyuk... I was betrayed.

짠 게 아니라 아예 메뉴가 바뀌었어
It's not salty. The menu changed completely.
