2022 07 18 2282

오늘도 힘내
Cheer up for today as well.

오늘은 연습 일찍 끝났다
The practice ended early today.

나 밥 뭐 먹을지 추천해줘
Please recommend what I should eat.

아직 한끼도 안 먹음
I haven't eaten a single meal yet.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ진짜 다양하게 얘기해 주는군
(Laughs) (Laughs)You're telling me so many things.


투표 받을게요
Let's take a vote.

엄청 매운 카레 vs 엄청 매운 뼈해장국
Super spicy curry vs super spicy pork rib hangover soup.



winning the election

It's curry.

I ordered it.

이번 주 브이앱은 아마 목요일에 할 것 같아
I think this week's Vapp will be on Thursday.

이따 밥 먹으면서 보이스로 좀 할까?
Should we do a voice-only V LIVE while we eat?

여쭤보고 되면!!
If you can ask!

된다고 하셔서 한 5시 10분쯤에
They said it was okay, so around 5:10pm,

I'll turn it on.