2022 07 09 2092
집에서 머리띠 쓰고 셀카찍는 나 자신에게
I'm wearing a headband at home and taking a selfie.
좀 정떨•••어질
I'm a bit dazed. Dizzy.
뻔 했지만
It was obvious.
오빛들이 좋다면"""^^
If ORBIT likes it..."^^
이제 아까 질문한 오빛
The ORBIT that I asked earlier.
밥 먹으세요
Eat something.
나 손혜주엉니랑 같은 엠비티아이 나왔어
엠비티아이검사 질문이 새로 바꼇다는데 해주면 안돼요??
ㄴ 문항이 너무 길어서 귀찮아요 그냥 잇팁으로 살기로 했어요
I got the same MBTI result as Son Hye Jengni.
I heard that the MBTI test question has changed. Can you do it?
b It's annoying because the questions are too long. I decided to live with it-tips.
혜주야 혜주는 내일 먹을거 전날에 정해놓고 자는 스타일이야? 아니면 그때그때 고르는 스타일?
ㄴ 음식한정 J
Hyejoo, do you decide what to eat tomorrow before going to bed? Or I choose from time to time?
b Food limited J
잇팁 오빛들도
Eat-Tip! ORBIT, too.
귀찮아서 안 한다하네
He's not doing it because he's too lazy.
갑자기 궁금해졌어
잇팁들 짱구 테스트 다 주먹밥 나왔을까?..
언니도 나도 그.. 친구 나왔잖아
I'm suddenly curious.
Did all of ittips get rice balls for Shin Chan test?
You and I... My friend came out.
라고 물어보시는데 해본 사람
Someone asked that question. Anyone who's done it before?
아ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ훈이를 부르는 이름이 꽤 다양하네
Ah.(Laughs) (Laughs)There are so many names for Hun.
Funny.(Laughs) (Laughs)
뜬끔 없는데 중단발 하니까 어때
머리 말릴 때 편하지
ㄴ 응~~ 머리 말리는 시간이 엄청 줄었어
It doesn't come up sometimes. How does it feel to have medium-short hair
It's convenient to dry your hair.
b Yes! The time to dry my hair decreased a lot.
혜주는 멤버들한테 답장할때 응/웅 뭘 더 많이써!?
ㄴ 귀찮아서 이모티콘 하나
Hyejoo, what do you use more when you reply to the members?
b I'm too lazy to use an emoticon.
ㅇㅇ만 안 쓰면 오케이야 난
ㄴ 단답쓰면 서운한가요??????????
If you don't write "yes", it's okay.
Does it hurt to write a short answer?
읽고 답장 안 하기 vs 안읽기
Read and don't reply vs. don't read.
더 서운한 거 고르기
Pick something that makes you sadder.
정말 반반이네
It's really half and half.
난 둘 다 괜찮아
I'm fine with both.
보내고 까먹어서 별 신경 안 써
I don't care because I forgot after I sent it.
나는 안읽씹하는 사람인듯...
I guess I don't read and ignore...
with a fit of laughter
칼답장 어때요? 부담스러워요?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㄴ 헐 조금••
How about a sharp reply? Do you feel pressured?(Laughs)
Oh, my. It's a little.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아니 팹은 다르지
(Laughs)No, Fab is different.
소통하려고 온 건데~~~
I came here to communicate with you.
우영우 보는 오빛 있어??
Is there Orbit watching Woo Young?
Is it fun?
나도 시간날 때 봐야겠다
I'll watch it when I have time.
혜주도 따뜻한 드라마 볼줄 아는구나
ㄴㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이거 왤케 웃겨
Hyejoo knows how to watch warm dramas.
b(Laughs) (Laughs)Why is this so funny?
1화 봐보고... 재밌으면 계속 보고••
After watching the first episode... If it's fun, I'll keep watching it.
나 이제 씻으러^^
I'm going to wash up now. ^^
내일 봐
See you tomorrow.