2022 07 06 2025

오빛들 나 사복 어떤 스타일로 입는 거 좋아해?
ORBIT, what kind of clothes do you like to wear?

신기하게 다들 비슷하긴 하네
Interestingly, everyone is similar.

완전히 반영하는 건 아니지만 궁금해서 물어봤어
I don't fully reflect it, but I asked because I was curious.

근데 사실 선택의 폭이 좁아
In fact, we don't have many options.

옷 많이 사는 스타일 아니라서 별로 없음 ㅋ ㅡ
I'm not the type to buy a lot of clothes so I don't have much lol -

아니 맨날 쇼핑하려고 하면
Whenever I try to shop,

연습복만 사게 돼
I just buy the practice clothes.

암튼 알겠어
Anyway, I got it's okay.

다양한 의견 잘 들었습니다
Thank you for your suggestions.

어떤 의견이 많았는지 궁금해하는 사람들이 꽤 많아서
There are a lot of people who are curious about what kind of suggestions.

I'll let you know.

  1. 편한 옷/힙한느낌
  2. comfortable clothes/hip feeling

2. Shirts

That's about it.

소수의 의견(아마0.5%정도)으로 하늘하늘한 옷
That's about it.

도 있었어
There was one, too.

모든 오빛들의 의견을 수용할 수 없으니
I can't accept all ORBIT's opinions.

To be fair!

제가 입고 싶은 옷으로 선택하겠습니다^^
I'll choose what I want to wear.^^

It's fair.

이제 잔다
I'm going to sleep now.


저메추 뜨거운 삼계탕
Dinner menu recommendation, hot samgyetang.