2022 07 01 1934

photo by. 좡줜숋언니
photo by. Jwongsuwon is a bad sister.

I'm going home!

다들 오늘 스타일링이 맘에 드나보네
Everyone seems to like their styling today.

막방도 고민된다 어떤 머리할지
I can't decide on the last performance. What kind of hair style should I do?


옷 피팅도 아직 안 했어
I didn't even get fitted yet.

근데 벌써 막방이라니
I can't believe it's already the last show.

엄청 빨리 끝났다
It ended so quickly.

예전에 8주는 대체 어떻게
How did you spend eight weeks?

했었는지 기억도 안 나
I don't even remember.