2022 06 24 1808
Go to sleep.
나는 퇴근 중
I'm on my way home.
이따 공방 오는 오빛들은 일찍 자야지
ORBIT who are coming to the show later, you should go to bed early.
올라오고 있는 오빛들도 있나..?
Are there ORBIT who are coming up?
다들 체력관리 잘 해!!!!!!!!!
Everyone, take care of your health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
이따 보는 오빛들은 이따 보고
I'll see ORBIT later.
음방 보는 오빛들은 좀만 기다려!!!!!
ORBIT who are watching music shows, wait a little bit!!!!!
아 팬싸도 있네
Ah, there's a fan signing, too.
팬싸오는 오빛들도 이따 봐
See you later, ORBIT who are coming to the fan signing event.
음악중심 시작했다
"Show! Music Core" has started.
은서언니가 힘내라고 다리 마사지기 선물해 줬어••🙊
Eunseo gave me a leg massager to cheer me up.•🙊
Really ••••🤭
언니도 컴백하니까 끝나면
Since we're making a comeback, after this,
만나기로 했다
We're supposed to meet.