2022 06 10 1582

이번 티저는 내가 먼저 올라왔네
I uploaded the teaser first.


어떤 버전이 젤 맘에 들어
Which version is my favorite?

c랑 d가 많네
There are a lot of c and d.

리본은 ••• 무대에선 안 할 것 같은데•••
I don't think I'm going to do ribbons on stage.


내 세상이 무너졌어 손혜주가 무대에선 리본 안 할 거 같대 내 세상이 무너졌어 ㄴ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
My world collapsed. I thought Hyejoo wouldn't wear a ribbon on stage. My world collapsed. b (Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)

아니 ••• 찍으면서도 좀 그랬어•••
No, ••• It was kind of like that while filming it.•••

눈 감고 딱 한 번만 해달래ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
They want you to close your eyes and do it just once.(Laughs) (Laughs)

알겠어 오빛들이 좋아하니까 생각 좀 해볼게••••
Okay, ORBIT likes it, so I'll think about it.••••

Hoxy... 사과머리는 안 하려나?🤗🤗 ㄴ 이건 진짜 불가능
Hoxy... Are you not going to do apple hair?🤗🤗 b This is really impossible.

그럼혹시 양갈래는..? ㄴ 이것도 가능성 1%
Hoxy... Are you not going to do apple hair?🤗🤗 b This is really impossible.

나 왜 사과 머리했었는지 알아?
Do you know why I had apple hair?

그때 팀장님이 이것 저것 해보다가 하•••
The team leader was trying this and that.

이렇게 해도 안 귀여우니
It's not cute even if I do this.

사과머리릉 해보자
Let's try "Ring of Apple Heads".

이래서 하게 됐어
That's how I got to do it.

최대한 애쓴 스타일
I tried my best.

ㅋ ㅜ ㅋ

나 진솔네컷 찍었다
I took JinSoul's four cuts.

프레임 엄청 귀엽던데
The frame was so cute.

사진은 언니 생일 날 올릴래
I'm going to post the picture on your birthday.

홍대 볼 일 있어서 갔거든
I went to Hongdae because I had something to do.


너무 더우니까
It's so hot.

집에만 있어
Stay at home.

정말 아이스 아메리카노 원샷 하고 싶은 날씨다
I want to drink iced Americano in one shot.

난 집에 가고 있어
I'm on my way home.

It's the subway.

이 칸에 팹하는 사람 있으면 대박
If there's someone who faves in this space, it'll be awesome.

델리만쥬 먹고 싶다
I want to eat Delimanjoo.

아 있잖아
Oh, you know.

양주 휴게소 호두과자 맛집이야
It's a walnut cake restaurant in Yangju rest area.

가게 이름은 천년나무 호두과자
The restaurant's name is thousand-year-old walnut cake.

진심.... 먹어봐
Seriously... Try it.

난 그 옆에 델리만쥬를 더 좋아하긴 해
I like Delimanjoo more.

근데 그 호두과자는 내가 먹어본 것 중에 최고야
But that walnut cake is the best I've ever had.

빵피가 엄청 얇은데 바삭해 그리고 팥이 적당히 달아
The crust is really thin, but it's crispy. And the red beans are moderately sweet.

꿀팁 방금 나온걸로 달라해
Tell them to give me the tip that just came out.

너무 뜨거우니까 살짝 찢어서 몇 번 불고 먹어
It's too hot, so rip it and blow it out a few times.

입 다 딘다
I'm going to stop talking.